State Members,
Here is a link to the redistricting presentation given at Convention:
"Professor Martis speaks on the electoral history of the United States.
As an American political geographer his knowledge and expertise lies in
mapping and documentation of electoral history. He is a Professor
emeritus in the Department of Geology and Geography at West Virginia
"Professors Martis research of geography of Elections and geographical
aspects of American political culture, legislative redistricting and
gerrymandering are important and informative to all voters."
Attached is an electronic copy of the League of Women Voters of West
Virginia Spring 2021 Voter newsletter. Please distribute widely.
Make sure to register at to attend our 2021
Convention on May 15!
9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
YOU are invited to attend the Biennial Convention of the West Virginia
League of Women Voters! Convention siting and location rotates among
local Leagues, this year it will be held virtually on Zoom by our host,
League of Women Voters of Jefferson County.
Our guest speaker will be Dr. Kenneth C. Martis, Emeritus Professor of
Geography at WVU. He will give a quick history about redistricting and
current legal standings including a focus on redistricting in WV,
pending State legislation, and deadlines.
Schedule Synopsis: May 14 - State board meeting is held Friday evening
at 7:00 pm. May 15 - Convention check-in begins at 9:30 am; First
Plenary commences at 10:00 am; Lunch at 12:00; Guest Speaker at 1:00 pm;
Second Plenary begins at 2:00 pm and should end by 3:00 pm. All new and
existing Board Members will then attend a brief Post-Convention Board
According to the Bylaws, each League may send the League president (or
alternate) plus one delegate for the first 15 members, and one
additional delegate for each 10 additional members or major fraction
thereof. Each Member-at-Large Unit shall be entitled to one delegate.
All additional members may attend as Visitors.
Please register by April 30, but no later than May 8th at .
* Name of your League or Member-at-Large Unit or N/A:
* Jefferson County, Huntington, Morgantown-Monongalia, Wood County,
Charleston Area Member-At-Large or N/A
* Your name
* Are you a Delegate or Visitor?
* Email address (Note: Convention Workbook will be sent out
electronically on May 10.)
Registrants will be receiving Zoom meeting links.
Please attend to vote for the bright future of the League in our state!
You are invited!!
Lobby Corps has opened up two IMPORTANT lobbying opportunities with our
US Senators to all WV League members concerning S1 - April 27 (phone)
and April 28 (Zoom and/or phone), both @ 11 am:
The For the People Act aligns with many of the League's long-held
positions. In particular, the LWV is advocating for the following
essential elements of the bill:
Expanding voter registration
Returning citizens' voting rights
Increasing voter participation, and
Implementing fair redistricting
Meetings with Sens. Manchin and Capito on S1 For the People:
Tuesday, April 27, 11 am : Senator Capito Chief of Staff
Dial by your location
+1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)
+1 646 828 7666 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 161 553 2095
Passcode: 65445331
Wednesday, April 28, 11am: Senator Manchin Chief of Staff
To join and listen to zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 161 832 4972
Passcode: *fAzV^4!
One tap mobile
+16692545252,,1618324972#,,,,*55054456# US (San Jose)
+16468287666,,1618324972#,,,,*55054456# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)
+1 646 828 7666 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 161 832 4972
Passcode: 55054456
Find your local number:
Please read on about 2 bad bills moving in the Legislature and
contact your legislators and tell them to vote no. Each legislators'
phone number and a link to email can be accessed at [1] and
SB565 pertains to elections and has passed the House and will move
to the Senate. The worst aspects are that it includes none of the
reforms that contributed to the high turnouts in 2020, such as no-excuse
absentee voting or having drop boxes for absentee ballot requests and
ballots, and worse, it pretty much guts the Automatic Voter Registration
at DMV bill that passed a few years ago but has yet to be implemented.
It also moves the dates for early in-person voting back so that the
Saturday before Election Day, the most popular day for early voting, is
eliminated. This bill reflects the wish list of the Secretary of State
and includes a few acceptable changes, but the bad far outweighs the
good. The League has been involved in discussions along with other
pro-voter organizations with the Secretary's election staff advocating
for voter-friendly changes, to no avail. The LWVWV priority on taxation
for this session was that the LWVWV _Supports measures that modernize
the elections process, allow more efficient procedures for election
officials, and give voters easier access to voting such as making
permanent the expanded voting options that were available during the
pandemic in 2020._
HB3300 is the House's version of the governor's plan to phase out
the state income tax. It is on second reading in the House today. While
the House's bill phases the tax out more gradually than the governor's
plan, there is no way it could make up for the lost revenue without
drastic cuts in funding to already strapped agencies and programs. Many
West Virginians earn too little to pay income taxes and will see
increases in sales taxes. Cutting and eliminating the state income tax
will benefit the well-off while raising taxes and cutting services for
people who are struggling. The LWVWV priority on taxation for this
session was that the LWVWV _Supports reforms of the West Virginia tax
system that are broadly based, rely on diverse revenue sources, provide
adequate, stable yield sufficient to provide essential services, and
treat taxpayers fairly._
For more information on both bills, Citizen Action Group has
up-to-date information: or type in the bill number (digits
only) at the Legislature's Bill Statue site:
Kathy Stoltz
Dear LWV-WV Members,
We're writing to urge you to contact legislators and tell them to oppose
two measures that would weaken regulations intended to protect our
drinking water and public health.
Tell the House Judiciary Committee: No More Toxins in Our Water
Tomorrow, March 1, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a virtual
public hearing on HB 2389, the Water Quality Standards Rule.
Registration for the hearing has closed, but you can still make your
voice heard by contacting members of the committee and telling them not
to allow more chemical toxins in our water.
The WV Rivers Coalition has more information here [1], along with an
easy way to send a message to all the committee members. You can also
find contact information of House Judiciary Committee Members here [2].
Say No to Removing Regulation for Storage Tanks Near Drinking Water
Another bill moving in the House of Delegates would exempt oil and gas
tanks in "zones of critical concern" (ZCCs) from the Aboveground Storage
Tank (AST) Act. ZCCs are areas directly upstream from public drinking
water intakes in which a released contaminant will reach the intake
within five hours. The Freedom Industries tank leak in 2014 demonstrated
what can go terribly wrong when tanks close to our drinking water
intakes are overlooked. The water crisis that resulted when the drinking
water for over 300,000 West Virginians was contaminated by the leak
spurred unanimous passage of the AST Act. Now, industry lobbyists want
deregulate oil and gas storage tanks closest to our drinking water
intakes, with HB 2598.
On Tuesday, members of the House Energy Committee sent the bill the full
vote, however, House Speaker Roger Hanshaw agreed to send the bill to
the Health Committee for further scrutiny [3]. Now is the time to let
Health committee members know HB 2598 puts our drinking water at an
unnecessary risk.
See this WV Rivers Coalition action alert [4] to send a message to the
committee, or click here [5] for a list of House Health Committee
members and their contact information.
Thank you for taking action to protect our drinking water and our
LWV-WV Natural Resources Committee
Dear LWV-WV Members,
We're passing along this urgent action alert from our friends at the WV
Rivers Coalition.
Urgent Action for Water Quality Standards - Act by 12/9
In preparation for the 2021 WV Legislative Session, the Legislative Rule
Making Committee will meet on Wednesday, 12/9, and water quality
standards are on the agenda.
The committee needs to hear from you TODAY about the importance of clean
water! [1]
This is the second time we are sharing this action alert with you. In
September, the Committee met and Water Quality Standards were on the
agenda. But your messages got committee members attention and the Water
Quality Standards Rule was removed from the agenda [2]. Your messages
make a real difference! Please act today! [1]
You may recall that it was during a meeting of the Legislative Rule
Making Committee in 2018 [3] that essential updates to human health
protections were stripped from the 2019 proposed water quality standards
rule. This act by the Rule Making Committee triggered years of
industry-led delay tactics and attempts to weaken drinking water
protections. All the while, West Virginia's water quality standards
remained outdated.
Now, after years of delays, the Legislative Rule Making Committee will
once again consider much needed updates to our water quality standards.
We've reviewed the proposed water quality standards rule [4] and sadly,
the rule would rollback protections for 13 toxins.
It is extremely important that members of the Legislative Rule Making
Committee hear from you before they meet. Tell members of the committee
that you oppose any weakening of water quality standards. [1]
Dear LWV-WV Members,
We hope you are staying safe and healthy during this challenging time.
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we are joining with the the West
Virginia Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival in a
public act of mourning and remembrance.
On Monday, November 23rd the West Virginia Poor People's Campaign is
hosting a Moral Monday caravan [1] at our statehouse to mourn the more
than 658 West Virignians who have died from COVID-19, demand a smooth
and open transition of power and lift up the moral policies we need
immediately and in the first days of the new administration.
You can join the caravan in Charleston and participate safely from your
vehicle, or join the online action at 2:30 PM. Click here [1] to
register. LWV-WV will also be streaming the event live on our Facebook
page [2].
In addition to demanding the federal government pass a comprehensive
COVID relief package, the West Virginia Poor People's Campaign is
calling on Governor Justice to immediately spend the remaining CARES Act
funding West Virginia received in April to address the extreme hardship
present through out the state.
Call Governor Justice and demand he target these remaining funds to
those West Virginians who need them the most. Call him now at
(304)-558-2000 or click here [3] to send a letter.
Ending the suffering of our families and communities is a moral mandate
to all who are tasked with governance now and in the new year. Calls for
cooperation cannot compromise with injustice.
In Solidarity,
Julie Archer, Vice President
on behalf of LWV-WV
Dear LWV-WV Members,
As you probably know, all West Virginia voters have the option of voting
absentee due to concerns about COVID-19. This is the safest option
because you can vote from home. However, despite our efforts to make the
process consistent with the primary [1], for the general election
registered voters in most counties won't be mailed an absentee ballot
As things currently stand, here are your options for requesting an
absentee ballot.
1). Request a ballot online using the Secretary of State's absentee
ballot application portal [2]. While this is a welcome option for those
voters who are able to use it, many voters in WV are not able to access
it or are just not comfortable using it. Those voters can do one of the
2). Call or email your county clerk [3] and ask them to mail an
application to you; OR
3). Download and print an application [4] and return it to your county
clerk [3] by mail or email.
At this point, only voters in Lincoln and Ohio counties will be mailed
absentee ballot applications [5]. But there's still time for the
Governor and Secretary of State to get this right and order election
officials to mail absentee ballot applications to all eligible voters.
With the threat of COVID-19 greater than it was in June, and at a time
when USPS is under attack and mail delivery may be delayed, the Governor
also could authorize the use of drop boxes to allow voters to hand
deliver their ballots without putting themselves, county clerks and
their staffs at risk.
That's where you come in.
Demand Governor Jim Justice and Secretary of State Mac Warner to protect
our health and our right to vote safely by taking action on these two
* Mailing Absentee Ballot Applications - A county by county decision
on this issue does not guarantee the benefit of an application to every
registered voter regardless of where they live and their ability to
access or use the online portal. Absentee ballot applications should be
sent to all registered voters as was done for the primary election.
Contact the Governor and the Secretary of State and tell them that their
constituents deserve to have the same chance to vote safely in November
as they had in June.
* Drop Boxes for Ballot Delivery - At the same time as elections
officials are projecting--and seeing--an increase in the number of
voters choosing to vote absentee, internal policy changes within the
USPS have led to delays in mail delivery that may result in absentee
ballots not being delivered on time. The Secretary of State's office has
determined that the use of drop boxes don't comply with the allowable
delivery methods for absentee ballots. However the Governor could issue
an executive order authorizing the use of secure drop boxes. Voters
shouldn't have to rely on the USPS or go into the Court House during
working hours to make sure their absentee ballot arrives on time.
Please contact the Governor and Secretary of State now to ensure that
our democracy can function during this pandemic.
Governor Jim Justice - call (304) 558-2000 or email governor(a) [6]
Secretary of State Mac Warner - call (304) 558-6000 or email
mwarner(a) [7]
_Want to do more?_ Contact your legislators [8] and commissioners [9]
and ask them to advocate for their constituents on these issues and
ensure we can safely vote by mail in November.
Thanks for doing your part to defend our democracy and empower West
Virginia voters.
Julie Archer
Vice President
PS: Please remember these important election dates and deadlines:
* September 18, 2020 - County clerks will begin mailing out Absentee
* October 13, 2020 - Voter Registration Deadline
* October 21 - October 31, 2020 - Early Voting at the county
courthouse, annex or designated community voting location during normal
business hours and Saturdays 9AM to 5PM.
* October 28, 2020 - Deadline for Absentee Ballot Requests. Absentee
ballot applications received after October 28, even if postmarked,
cannot be accepted by law. (Note: In a letter to the Secretary of State
[10], the General Counsel for the USPS recommended voters submit their
request early enough to be received 15 days before the election (October
19). The letter also recommended voters mail their completed ballots a
week before the state's due date.)
* November 2, 2020 - Deadline to hand-deliver Absentee Ballot to
County Clerk's office. Choose this option if you don't want to use the
mail to return your ballot. (Note: No person may hand deliver more than
two absentee ballots and any person hand delivering an absentee ballot
is required to certify that he or she has not examined or altered the
* November 3, 2020 - General Election Day
* November 4, 2020 - Absentee Ballots mailed, but without a postmark
* November 9, 2020 - (Canvass) - Absentee Ballot postmarked by
Election Day accepted if received by start of Canvass.
For more voting information visit [11].