TO: MVCAC I've attached the outline of my presentation to City Council for your review.
Dear Deb,
This material is well organized and fluent. Your presentation will alert (has alerted) city council to specific issues
My presentation to council in July was more general. I talked about morphing from CALP into the Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition for background. Topics that followed were generalities about air pollution, esthetic impact of Longview, sustainable economic development without another power plant and the highest potential stack (and building) in the state that could interfere with Hart Field air traffic. Because one of the issues discussed that night was development around Hart Field, I believe at least some of council members might have been listening.
We will look for you on a delayed TV broadcast. We missed you live.
See you here at 3333 on Monday night.
Regards to all,
From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:03 PM To:; Subject: [MVCAC] City Council report tonight
I've attached the outline of my presentation to City Council for your review.