Dear MVCAC participants and friends............
We will meet this Thursday evening at the Prete Building at 7 pm.
There are three or four very important agenda items..........
1. Should we appeal the recent decision of the Public Service Commission which granted Certificates for Siting and Transmission Lines to Longview Power LLC in spite of the fact that the whole operation appears not to be in the public interest? Problems remain regarding unconventional financing, high costs, low taxes, noises, adverse viewshed, threats to historic preservation, and a number of safety and environmental issues (for example, fine particulates and ozone contribute to asthma). If you cannot attend, please send me your comments on this question.
2. Review of plans for public meetings and school related activities to focus on air quality fundamentals, ambient air monitoring, and governmental programs to protect the atmosphere.
3. How and when to transition our organization into a more general and yet goal directed activity to benefit all the people, now and in the future?
4. Should we become involved with carbon dioxide and methane emissions which are the primary "greenhouse gases" responsible for global climate change? [Should we call for some limitations on or guidelines for outside burning which generates carbon dioxide and significant quantities of smoke and fine particulates?]
Please tell me of other items you would like to put on the agenda; and, tell me your thoughts on the above agenda should you not be able to attend. Your interest, participation, and/or support are needed and greatly appreciated.