Hello Folks,
The 3rd annual Mon-Earth Benefit Concert was last Saturday, April 22. I don't have the final numbers yet, but it looks like we ended up with a modest profit of about $500. Of course, I was hoping for more. And if there was a significantly higher profit, my plan was to email the orgs and request proposals for using the funds. I was then going to bring in my core volunteers and develop a consensus for distributing the money. However, with the profit being relatively small, I have decided to forgo that process and instead just make two equal distributions: one to the WV Highlands Conservancy, who has provided event insurance for the last two years; and one to the Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition, whose subgroup CALP, was the initial inspiration for the event.
Thank you so much to all of the volunteers who did there jobs in such an effective and friendly manner. I was happy with everybody's efforts.
Peace and green dreams,
Robert Tower 304 296-7607