The President-elect should be focusing on all of these categories. We will include more than one in the petition. But we want to know which you think should be emphasized most.
Which one element do you think is most important for the faith community to emphasize in our petition to the next U.S. President to be delivered in January 2009?
(You can find out more about climate policies by visiting our Public Policy page.)
NOTE: A petition is being prepared by the national group known as the Interfaith Power and Light, with its focus on the global climate change problem. This is being distributed for your information and reflection. Duane Nichols.
Cap Emissions and Auction the Permits
35% reduction by 2020 and 80% by 2050
Accelerate these reductions to avoid further warming beyond 2º F
Auction 100% of credits and direct revenue to developing clean energy
Green the Electricity Sector
Move America toward a 100% clean energy future by maximizing energy efficiency, modernizing the grid, and greatly expanding power generation from renewable energy resources
Stop New Coal
Put a moratorium on new coal-fired power plants until carbon emissions can be captured and permanently sequestered
Clean up Transportation
Invest in clean mass transit infrastructure, increase fuel economy standards, and invest in alternative fuels
Make Climate Policies Equitable and Just
Provide energy efficiency to low-income families
Create 5 million green collar jobs
Adaptation assistance to undeveloped nations