Marcellus Gas Wells In The Morgantown Industrial Park
The MVCAC opposes the drilling of natural gas wells into the Marcellus or other geologic formations involving hydro-fracking or other pressurized methods of breaking the formation in or near the City of Morgantown or in the Monongahela River valley.
Pressurized fracturing methods result in hazardous and dangerous conditions for the local workers, for the local residents, and for the public and private facilities nearby. The two Marcellus wells recently sited at or near the Morgantown Industrial Park are too close to the other facilities of the Industrial Park, too close to the Skyview Elementary School, too close to the Westwood Middle School, too close to the County Athletic Field between these schools, and too close to the City of Morgantown.
Air emissions are known to occur from such Marcellus wells during the drilling process, during the fracking process, during the completion process, and during the long period of their continuous operation (perhaps 30 years or more). These emissions include diesel fumes, sour gases, vapors from the fracking fluids, silica dust from the fracking sand, controlled and uncontrolled off-gases, vent gases, flare gases and possible blow-outs or explosions. Atmospheric conditions such as temperature inversions can spread and retain these gases over the extended Monongahela River valley.
Therefore, the MVCAC calls for an immediate secession of drilling activities at these sites and no further work on them if or until fully adequate regulations are put into place.
Duane G. Nichols, Spokesperson, MVCAC. May 17, 20011.