To learn more visit Please comment on the Atlantic Coast Pipeline!
The deadline for submitting scoping comments to FERC for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is: Tuesday, April 28.
Most, if not all, of the issues are being addressed by the groups organized in opposition, so a comment doesn't need to be more than a sentence or two; but it is important to make a comment for two reasons:
The number of comments matters! Making a comment during the scoping period entitles you to comment during the EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) and it entitles you to become an "intervener." Instructions for submitting comments can be found at Click on 'Submit Comment' and follow the directions.
Here is a list of possible topics: Contribution to climate change. Disturbance of springs and wells, especially in karst areas, due to excavation and blasting. Sediment in streams and rivers, particularly trout streams. Negative impact on wildlife, especially threatened, endangered and sensitive species. Lack of adequate enforcement of regulations supposed to protect the environment. Negative impact on property values. Problems with insurance, mortgages and opportunity to sell and move for landowners. Negative impact on scenic beauty. Negative impact on tourism income. Emotional distress cause by negative impacts. Lack of benefits to local communities compared to costs. Truck traffic and resulting delays and accidents. Cost to local law enforcement and emergency services.
The last day that FERC will receive comments for the MVP is June 16, 2015.
The last day that FERC will receive comments for the ACP is April 28, 2015.
Please call Elise at 304-207-1150 for more information. Upcoming Community Meetings
Tuesday, April 28 (6-8 pm) - Preserve Monroe has their bi-monthly meeting every other Tuesday at the Union Senior Center in Union (Monroe County).
Thursday, April 30 (7-8:30 pm) -Preserve Greenbrier County will hold a community meeting in the Board Room at Carnegie Hall in Lewisburg (Greenbrier County).
Wednesday, May 20 (5:30 pm) - Summers County Residents Against the Pipeline (SCRAP) will hold their regular meeting at the corner Episcopal Church in Hinton (Summers County).
Sunday, June 14 (9am-10pm) - Preserve Monroe Fundraising Concert at Salt Sulphur Springs, WV (Monroe County).
Please call Elise at 304-207-1150 for more information about these community meetings.
See also: