Sorry it has taken me so long to write this but .....
Dear Everyone,
Thank You! Thank you for distributing flyers, passing out stickers, coming to the hearing, and speaking out!
I was impressed with how well everyone spoke, I was impressed with the students that turned out and spoke (way to go SSC!). There were a lot of great points brought out. I was also impressed with the number of new faces I saw. Thank you for getting the word out and attending.
Here is my take on the whole thing:
The administrative law judge, Judge Carter, was very calm and respectful. I guess he was taking good notes -- he sure was writing a lot!
Don't believe the Dominion Post: I did not go to the 10 am hearing, but Tim did (as did Duane and Sandy and a few others). The room was half full (about 100 people or less) and maybe, *maybe* half of them were the Union people. From what Tim said, there were probably 7 anti-Longview people for very Longview supporter who spoke.
At the 7pm hearing the room was almost full (~200 people) and it appeared that around 3/4 of them were against Longview. Again, there was about a 7 to 1 ratio of speakers against the plant.
I wish the Dominion Post would do there "person-on-the-street opinion poll" on Longview! But they know they would not like the answers!
So what's next?
The Public Service Commission (PSC) is holding an evidentiary hearing (which is like a court hearing) in Charleston. Written testimony was submitted to the PSC in Charleston the same day as the public hearing (Feb 21).
The "court" hearing will be in Charleston starting March 21, and will last as long as it takes. People from our side (experts on noise, finances, etc.) will be on the stand, and Longview people and their consultants will be on the stand. [Now we need to raise some $$ for these experts!] Our savior, Phil Gaujot, will argue our side of the case. We cannot lose with Phil on our side.
I plan to go down to Chas for at least one day (maybe the fist day?). So let me know if you want a ride down there. Others from this group will be going as well.
The Public Service Commission must decide the case by June 27, 2006. This deadline is a statutory deadline and cannot be moved. They have rolled the Siting Certificate and Transmission Line permit into one. so they must decide on both by or on that date.
What you can do
Write a letter to the Editor of the Dominion Post. Tell the world (or the two people who read the paper) that Longview is not a done deal! You can e mail it to and Seriously, the Letters to the Editor is one of the most-read sections of the newspaper. By the way, did you read Ann Turnicky's letter in today's DP? Awesome!
Write a letter to the PSC and copy the governor. It is never too late. Details are at the web site:
Tell everyone you know that Longview is outta here! Longview doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Help raise money. We need anything we can get. Send checks to MVCAC, 364 Patteson Dr #188, Morgantown WV 26505.
Thanks again. If it weren't for you, construction would have started on Longview a few years ago. Longview is toast! ______________________________________
In closing, I'd like us all to remember the late Holly Rieke. She was a tireless opponent of Longview and a great leader in CALP/MVCAC. I think she is looking down at us and smiling at our achievements right now.
- Paula