Hi Everyone,
This is just a reminder that we have a Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition meeting this Monday, September 25th at the home of Larry and Martha Schwab.
Updates on Longview and Ft. Martin will be presented and, "direction" for the coming six months will be charted. We need to finalize our brochure as well!
Please make a point to come out if you possibly can, since we cannot meet as often as in the past.
Directions to Larry & Martha Schwab's Hpuse:
Address: 3333 Collins Ferry Road, the last driveway on the left before Aspen if you are coming from Morgantown. Coming from Star City, it is the first driveway on the right past Aspen St.
To get to Collins Ferry Rd, take University Ave toward Star City. University splits into University and Collins Ferry just past the Eckard drug store (Morgantown side) or Bi-Lo grocery store (coming from Star City)
There is a high hedge along the road, so you cannot see the house from the street. There is a really small sign with 3333 and maybe a sign with other addresses (more than one house is located on the drive). Larry and Martha's house is the first house closest to Collins Ferry Rd (big white farm house). Park angled against the garage, or along the driveway, but don't park past the hedge next to garage (it torques the neighbor). In the event that we get a record number of attendes, there are plenty of side streets across Collins Ferry Road on which to park!
Their phone number is 598-0241. My (Paula's) cell number is 692-7588
Please call if you need better directions.