Subject: Daily Mail Poll On Mountain Top Removal Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 12:08:02 EDT From:
The Charleston Daily Mail's online poll is, "Should Mountain Top Mining be banned?" 164yes and 29no at 11:46am, Nov. 1.
Vote now at scroll down to near bottom on left.
Julian Martin
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, things aren't going to get better, they're not!" From The Lorax by Dr. Suess
"Mountaintop removal is the biggest environmental battle of our hemisphere. You know, you can restore the Hudson River in perhaps a hundred years. But you will never, never, get these mountains back. This is truly a crime against every human being in the world." - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
"Strip mining is rampant right now, and it's raping, it's raping the countryside," she said. "What if you knew that every time you flip on your light switch a mountaintop in West Virginia just blows up? It's crazy." Kathy Mattea quoted by Ken Ward, Charleston Gazette, June 28, 2007
"If we destroy the mountain, do you know how much electricity we get out of that mountain for the coal? An entire mountain provides an hour's worth of electricity for the U.S." Mike McKinney, University of Tennessee Geology Professor, as quoted in the June 2007 Highlands Voice.
For The Mountains Julian Martin Vice-President for State Affairs West Virginia Highlands Conservancy 1525 Hampton Road, Charleston, WV 25314
Contact me( for a trip to Kayford Mountain to see active and so-called reclaimed mountain top removal. Go to for I Love Mountains t-shirts, hats, I Heart Mountains and Friends Of The Mountains bumper stickers and for speakers, information and exhibits on environmental issues in West Virginia.
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