Subject: Southwest PA: Compressor Station Expansion Comments
and Public Workshop Opportunity
I wanted to let you know about two upcoming opportunities for public participation in natural gas issues:
- Comment on increased harmful air pollution from Welling Station Expansion in Washington County
PA DEP recently announced their intent to issue an air quality permit for another compressor station expansion proposed in Buffalo Township, Washington County – MarkWest’s Welling Compressor Station. This expansion will create significant environmental and health impacts, especially in the context of the currently extensive natural gas infrastructure in the region.
This facility expansion would result in a station with 9 engines, a dehydrator, a flare, condensate tanks, and other various smaller engines and equipment. As planned, this facility would emit 49.2 tons per year of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), 58.7 TPY of Nitrous Oxides, and 89,422 TPY of CO2e. All projections are just under limits that would trigger more stringent pollution control requirements.
This is your chance to tell the state what you think about this compressor station expansion. Please change the content in the action alert below to reflect your concerns and position. Don’t let this be just another form letter that PA DEP gets in their inbox. Let them know you care by adding your own perspective and by editing the template to include the topics that interest you most. Thanks for your participation.
Click HERE to send your comments to DEP
Copy and paste this link in your web browser:
- Protecting the Air We All Breathe: Health & Air Impacts from Natural Gas Operations and Info on the Welling Compressor Station
Buffalo Township Municipal Building, Washington County, PA
Wednesday, June 20th, 7PM
Clean Air Council and the Group Against Smog and Pollution (GASP) will provide residents of the area with information about air quality issues and health impacts associated with natural gas development. The presenters will discuss the proposed Welling Compressor Station expansion and provide details on how the public can comment on this station.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Matt Walker Clean Air Council Community Outreach Coordinator Marcellus Shale Program 215-567-4004 ext. 121 Website: Facebook: Clean Air Council Twitter: @cleanaircouncil