From: Sierra Club - West Virginia Chapter Date: November 1, 2015
Greetings !
We still need candidates to run in the Mon Group election for next year. Please let me know by November 7 if you know of anyone who might be interested in serving.
Sierra Calendars are available for purchase and make great Christmas gifts. Wilderness calendars are $12 and desk calendars are $13. Contact Candice Elliott at
***Monday November 9, 6-8 PM, Gaston Caperton Center, 501 West Main St., Clarksburg JOBS IN THE NEW ENERGY ECONOMY - Forum co-sponsored by the WV Sierra Club Energy Efficiency Campaign and the North Central WV Democracy for America. This forum will emphasize the economic benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. For information, contact Laura Yokochi (304) 695-1523, OR Autumn Long (304) 796-4677,
***Saturday November 14 Chapter Executive Committee Meeting in Doddridge County. Members welcome. Contact Liz Wiles for more information.
***Saturday, November 14 Autumn Adopt-a-Trail Service Outing: Coopers Rock SF rated easy hiking; easy to moderate work intensity -- Join the fun with the fall trail maintenance for Sierra Club's adopted Intermediate Cross Country Ski Trail at Cooper's Rock South. Fall clean-up emphasizes clearing fallen leaves, drainage restoration and trail clearing along a 1.25-mile loop. Volunteers should wear sturdy boots, and carry work gloves, water, snacks. Useful tools to bring are long handled pruners, rakes, and pointed shovels. Adults and adolescents are invited to help and those under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian. Volunteers will be required to sign a standard Sierra Club Liability Waiver and a DNR Volunteer Work Program Agreement. Please pre-register with the leader. Leader: Ann Devine-King, 304-594-2636, Nearest town: Morgantown, WV Web info: http://www.
Activities with other groups:
***Wednesday November 4 from 6 to 9pm at Friends Meetinghouse, 648 Brockway, Morgantown (across from Superior Photo, just before you enter Marilla Park) We are meeting to form a local chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby.
Citizens' Climate Lobby is a non-profit, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change. We train and support volunteers to reclaim their democracy and engage elected officials and the media to generate the political will for solutions that will stabilize the Earth's climate.
Contact Kitty Lozier at for more information
Morgantown Municipal Green Team Sponsors final community forum in the series: Air, Water and Waste: Where is Morgantown heading? Each session will be held 6-7:30 PM at the Morgantown Public Library, 373 Spruce Street
***Tuesday November 10 "Is Recycling Working in Morgantown and What Can We Do About It? "Sponsored by the Morgantown Green Team with speakers from City of Morgantown, Monongalia County, Republic Services and WVU. For more information call 703-463-7643
***November 11, 7PM : Science on Tap Presentation by Friends of Deckers Creek Project Manager, Nick Revetta. Morgantown Brewing Company. Come out and have a drink while learning more about the Deckers Creek Watershed! Visit http://www. for more information on upcoming events
***November 18, 2015 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Straight Scoop on Shale Conference University of Pittsburgh University Club, 123 University Place Presented by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania's "Straight Scoop on Shale" initiative and hosted by the Pitt Graduate School of Public Health. As in previous years, this year's conference will feature important new research on shale and public health impacts. Bruce Pitt PhD will present new research regarding birth impacts. Nationally known speaker and MacArthur Fellow Wilma Subra, who has served on EPA committees and currently chairs STRONGER's Air Quality policy and regulatory review committee, will discuss environmental health issues, air modeling, and ethane crackers based on her experiences in Louisiana. Brian Schwartz MD of Johns Hopkins, who is a Senior Investigator in the Geisinger Center for Health Research, will present research from the Geisinger data. See the website for other topics and presenters. This year's conference includes a round-table brainstorming session where the public can interact with experts and civic leaders. There is also a special breakout session on addressing shale issues in practice for those seeking professional credit hours. More Information and Registration: 1-800-61-SHALE Visit our website:
Sierra Club 85 Second St., 2nd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105