Testimony was entered by Duane Nichols, Charles Yuill, and Adam Polinski
to the WV Public Service Commission yesterday regarding the environmental
impacts of the proposed changes to the Longview power plant.
Our attorney, Phillip Gaujot, did an excellent job of presenting our case
and of posing questions to the single Longview witness, Chris Colbert.
Colbert gave what we consider to be vague and incomplete answers,
but the two Commissions present, were not apparently concerned about
his lack of specificity and meager amount of information. Mr. Shaw has
resigned from the Commission. [The Governor must appoint a Republican
lawyer to replace him, since both major parties must be represented and
since at least one must be a lawyer....neither Chairman Jon McKinney nor
Edward Staats are lawyers.]
............The PSC Staff recommended that the changes be approval, with
a list of 10 or 11 stipulations. Our position is that the increased steam
plumes are significant and should be the reason for greater evaluation,
i.e. a "material" modification. Neither the Staff nor the Commissions
are particularly inclined to side with us.
In any case, the final decision will not be made until after a Briefing
Schedule has transpired: Initial Briefs due Jan. 29th, Reply Briefs
due January 31st, and Final Briefs due February 2nd.
.......................We are very unhappy with this schedule, because
Briefs are to be submitted without the benefit of the Transcript, which
will not be ready in time for use during this schedule.
............... Duane Nichols, Convener, MVCAC