Meeting today with the DEP! A friend posted this on FaceBook:
Public Coal Mine Waste Disposal Meeting
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has scheduled a public meeting for this coming Wednesday, May 26th. This will be an informal conference to discuss the proposed disposal of coal ash, starting at 6:00 pm at the Scott's Run Volunteer Fire Dept in Cassville. The purpose is to hear public comments and concerns about a new 225 acre surface mine and modifications to an associated National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit.
Translation: Two enormous fly ash disposal sites are being proposed right here in our very own county. The industry intends to stockpile an unfathomable quantity of toxic coal waste here for years and years to come. Residents need to demand that the impact of this be evaluated using the most recent testing criteria (not the much-less-stringent old standards): that containment be provided to keep the toxins out of groundwater; and more.
You don't need to be an expert. (Who was it who said that there are experts in small things, but, "In morality, there are no experts.") Many warm bodies are needed at this 'conference' to indicate that yes, we are paying attention.
Industry wants to classify these landfills as "beneficial use" of land, rather than as the hazardous waste dumps that they are, thus bypassing regulations to require safety measures for our protection. And this is happening now, when the national focus on cancer prevention has taken a dramatic turn toward the dangers of environmental toxins.
How history will remember US depends on what we do about this, now. You CAN attend this meeting and learn what is going on right under your nose. We have a chance this time.