Hi Everyone,
If indoor air quality is a concern of yours, you may be interested to know (or you probably already know) that Monongalia County is considering a smoking ban that would extend to bars and restaurants. The text of the proposed regulation is here: http://www.monchd.org/download/ProposedMonongaliaCountyCleanIndoorAirRegulat...
An very informative site is Smoke Free Mon County: http://www.smokefreemonc.org/involved.html
The Board of Health is taking comment from the public on this until March 16, 2008. ****
"Comments must be submitted in writing. All comments must include name, address, telephone number and email must include a verifiable e-mail address. Email comments to info@monchd.org or mail them to: Monongalia County Board of Health; Re: Smoking Regulation; 453 Van Voorhis Road, Morgantown, WV 26505"
They seem to like e mail ( info@monchd.org ). I received a prompt response when I sent my message.
- paula hunt
The next MVCAC meeting will be on Wednesday, April 2, at 7PM, in the upstairs gallery at the ZenClay Tea Garden. We will be joined by Aric Agmon, who is organizing an effort to decrease the excessive idling of large trucks and busses and the pollution they are spewing into the air around town.