This is a pretty important issue. The WV-DEP and local business leaders will cry a river about how unfair this is.
But to protect the health of people in Monongalia County, we should urge EPA to implement the designation, and act quickly to require reductions in pollution emissions. We should also urge our locqal County Commission and City leaders to support the designation, because people should not have to hold their breathe waiting for cleaner air.
Jim Kotcon 09/04/08 8:33 PM >>>
NOTE: All of Monongalia County in West Virginia and portion(s) of Greene County in Pennsylvania have been under consideration for "non-attainment" status for fine particulate loadings, i.e. PM-2.5.
See the following web-site:
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URGENT..............................URGENT..............................URGENT ....................URGENT
EPA TO TAKE PUBLIC COMMENT ON AREAS TO BE DESIGNATED FOR FINE PARTICLE POLLUTION STANDARDS EPA is opening a 30-day public comment period on its recommendations for areas to be designated as out of compliance with the agency's 24-hour fine particle standards. On Aug. 19 and 20, EPA notified states and tribes of its recommendations for areas to be designated as "attainment" or "nonattainment" for fine particle pollution (PM2.5). Exposure to fine particle pollution is linked to a variety of serious health problems, including aggravated asthma, chronic bronchitis, nonfatal heart attacks, and premature death. States and tribes have an opportunity to respond to EPA's recommendations, and provide new information or analyses if appropriate. EPA will consider those responses, along with the public comment, before making its final decisions. EPA must issue final designations by Dec. 18, 2008. EPA will accept public comment for 30 days after a notice is published in the Federal Register. Instructions for submitting comments are available at ( .
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