Date: October 26, 2020 at 7:12:43 PM EDT
Subject: Final call, Please register to speak against the Longview Greenhouse gas permit
If you have not already done so, please click the link in the announcement below to register to speak at the "Virtual Hearing" on Longview I Greenhouse Gas Permit.
I attach the draft permit, the DEP's Engineering Evaluation, and some comments from a Sierra Engineer who has examined the permit.
But if you don't have time to read all this, One simple message to WV-DEP:
"We must reduce greenhouse gas emissions, please do not allow Longview to increase them, as proposed in this draft permit."
Thank you.
Jim Kotcon, Sierra Club & MVCAC
P.S. Invite a friend!
Friday, October 9, 2020 @ 9:04 AM
Notice of Intent to Approve
On June 1, 2020, Longview Power, LLC applied to the WV Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality (DAQ) for a permit to establish a carbon dioxide emission standard for an electricity generation facility located at 1375 Fort Martin Road, Maidsville, Monongalia County, WV, at 39.7090 latitude and -79.9589 longitude. A preliminary evaluation has determined that all State and Federal air quality requirements will be met by the proposed facility. The DAQ is providing notice to the public of its preliminary determination to issue the permit as R13-3495.
This permitting action will establish a weighted carbon dioxide standard on a calendar year basis using the established load bin limits below and the hours of operation in each load bin during the year.
Load Bin Load Bin Range (MWh G) Normal Operation Level 1 Limit* (lb CO2/MWh Net) Impaired Operation Level 2 Limit** (lb CO2/MWh Net) LB-0 0-313 9,864G N/A LB-1 >313-407 2,230 2,453 LB-2 >407-501 2,108 2,319 LB-3 >501-595 2,050 2,255 LB-4 >595-689 2,002 2,202 LB-5 >689 1,958 2,154
G = Gross generation in terms of MWh gross electricity generation.
- = Normal Operations above the minimum stable load of the emission unit.
** = Impaired Operations above the minimum stable load that has been approved by the Director for a specified duration of time. Impaired Operation means that the unit can operate below normal efficiency due to unavoidable equipment failure.
After the initial compliance year, the above limits will be increase by 0.4% annually due to unit degradation with a recovery rate that decreases the limit by 0.7% once every five years. In the year 2046, these limits will be fixed thereafter at the following limits:
Load Bin Load Bin Range (MWh G) Normal Operation Level 1 Limit* (lb CO2/MWh Net) Impaired Operation Level 2 Limit** (lb CO2/MWh Net) LB-0 0-313 10,523G N/A LB-1 >313-407 2,379 2,617 LB-2 >407-501 2,249 2,474 LB-3 >501-595 2,187 2,406 LB-4 >595-689 2,136 2,349 LB-5 >689 2,089 2,298
The DAQ has scheduled a public meeting for 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 2020. The public meeting will be held virtually to prevent the spread of COVID- 19 in accordance with the Governor’s Safer at Home Order and the WVDEP COVID-19 Policy. Instructions for providing written comments and for providing oral comments at the virtual public meeting are provided below.
The purpose of the public review process is to accept public comments on air quality issues relevant to this determination. Only written comments or comments presented orally at the scheduled public meeting, will be considered prior to final action on the permit. All such comments will become part of the public record.
Written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 9, 2020: • Email written comments to with “Longview Power Comments” in the subject line, or • Mail hard copy comments to Edward Andrews, WV Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Air Quality, 601 57th Street, SE, Charleston, WV 25304.
Public meeting participation: • Members of the public can participate online or listen via telephone. Participant pre-registration is required by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.
To register, please complete the participant registration form at
A confirmation email will be sent with information on how to join the public meeting. If you do not have internet access and want to register, please contact Sandie Adkins (ext. 41243) or Stephanie Hammonds (ext. 41263) at (304) 926-0475 by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 26, 2020.
Additional information, including copies of the draft permit, application and all other supporting materials relevant to the permit decision may be obtained by contacting the engineer listed below or downloaded at:
Edward Andrews WV Department of Environmental Protection Division of Air Quality 601 57th Street, SE Charleston, WV 25304 Telephone: 304/926-0499, ext. 41244