Greetings from the MVCAC..........
1. Jarrett, Duane and Mary Anne Maul (lawyer) visited the WV Cultural Center yesterday to gather information on the Longview plan to preserve the historical features on or near the Longview site. Recent submissions have been made by Marshall Miller Associates on behalf of Longview, and I suspect that Longview considers their "application" to be complete.
2. We visited the Governor's Office and asked for information on the recently reactivated Public Energy Authority, but found out that it isn't very public at this time. Their stated objective is to promote a FutureGen plant in WV, using integrated gasification with combined cycles and CO2 capture. Another objective is to capture federal dollars for economic development. This would be a fine alternative to Longview, if located well to the west of the current site.
3. We visited the WV Department of Environmental Protection. At the Water and Waste Water Division, we gathered information on the application of Longview for a "storm water" permit. This application is not yet complete; and, when it is complete, it will be advertised in the local newspaper. At the Air Monitoring Division, we picked up a copy of the Annual Monitoring Report for last year and inspected duplicates of the monitoring instruments located at the Morgantown Airport, for (a) sulfur dioxide, (b) particulate matter (PM 2.5), and (c) ozone [in season, not winter]
4. We visited the Public Service Commission and picked up an Annual Report for 2004. Jim Ehlers of the Engineering Division was unavailable to discuss the current activities of the "noise task force".
NOTE: Today in the Dominion Post is the corrected announcement for the Longview transmission line certificate application. This announcement will appear again on December 30th, at which time the 30 day clock for additional public comments will start. This same information was sent recently to the MVCAC email list. However, in the newspaper you will see the corrected map of the area in question.
MVCAC will likely call a special meeting [working session] to focus specifically on the Longview plant status early in January.
The next regular (general) meeting of the MVCAC will be on Monday, January 23rd, at the home of Larry and Martha Schwab, 3333 Collins Ferry Road (Suncrest), Morgantown. The meeting starts at 7 pm. If you can, come over at 6:30 to socialize and enjoy some treats.