Charles and Cindy,
Good letter. We should all follow your lead and continue to use the Letters to the Editor of the DP, Charleston Gazette, Daily Mail and others to communicate this impt message. I agree that we also need to send these same letters, or slightly modified, to the School Board and County Commission, both of whom are selling our children's health for a few pennies.
WV Walks - 30 minutes or more daily Feel the power of half an hour!
Bill Reger-Nash, Ed.D Professor of Community Medicine West Virginia University School of Medicine Morgantown WV 26506-9190 Phone: 304/293-0763 Fax: 304/293-6685
Dept. web page: BRN's web page:
"Charles Harris" 01/13/09 4:25 PM >>>
All: Cindy and I agreed to author a letter to the editor for the DP, on the issue of non-attainment and children's health. We attach our draft of this letter for your consideration. Please feel free to send us any suggestions or changes you would like to see. We will then edit and send it out for final approval....then to the newspaper. Larry and Cindy
Charles L. Harris Professor of Biochemistry West Virginia University School of Medicine 304-293-7749