VIRTUAL TECHNICAL SEMINAR ~ Green Chemical Design & Development
Green & Sustainable Chemicals Needed to Replace Toxic Substances § Boost Green and Sustainable Chemical Development with AI § Presented by Craig Rowlands, Senior Toxicologist and Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at UL Solutions
FROM: Virtual Local Section, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, August 22, 2022
Public concerns about the health and environmental safety of chemicals are driving the development of more sustainable, ‘‘greener’’ chemicals and products. Intrinsic chemical hazards are a function of many factors including physicochemical properties, chemical structure, and sub-structures. Using these properties to predict chemical hazards provides chemical R&D programs with a fast and increasingly reliable technology for new green chemical designs. Artificial Intelligence prediction software is well suited for this purpose and can be applied to all stages of the value chain when developing new green and sustainable chemicals.
Dr. Rowlands is a Senior Toxicologist and Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at UL Solutions providing leadership in the innovation of products and services for chemical safety assessments of consumer products. He has spent over 20 years applying conventional and new toxicology approaches including non-animal and computational predictive toxicology in chemical safety evaluations. His current research is developing approaches to using artificial intelligence models to aid in the development of green and sustainable chemicals.
This meeting is free and open to all, not just to Virtual Local Section members.
9:00 PM ET Wednesday, August 24, 2022 Register in advance for this meeting:
7:00 AM ET Thursday, August 25, 2022 Register in advance for this meeting:
1:00 PM ET Thursday August 25, 2022 Register in advance for this meeting:
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EPA Calls for Nominations for 2023 Green Chemistry Challenge Awards
From the EPA Press Office, Washington, DC, August 18, 2022
WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Green Chemistry Challenge Awards from companies or institutions that have developed a new green chemistry process or product that helps protect human health and the environment. EPA is again including an award category to recognize technology that reduces or eliminates greenhouse gas emissions, in support of the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to combat the climate crisis.
Additionally, EPA is announcing a webinar to be held on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, from 2 p.m.– 3:30 p.m. EDT, to educate stakeholders on the Green Chemistry Challenge Awards and the nomination process.
“Green Chemistry Challenge Award winners are leaders in their field and their technologies demonstrate how this revolutionary discipline can be used to prevent pollution at its source,” said EPA Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pollution Prevention Jennie Romer. “Green chemistry is also a tool in the fight against climate change, and by encouraging the use of greener products, it can advance environmental justice in underserved and overburdened communities where industrial sites are disproportionately located.”
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