3 fire companies at scene of SW Pa. gas well fire
The Associated Press UPDATED: 02/11/2014
Dillner, Pa.—Emergency dispatchers say at least three fire companies have responded to a report of a natural gas well explosion and fire in southwestern Pennsylvania, within miles of the West Virginia border.
A Greene County 911 supervisor says the fire was reported shortly before 8 a.m. Tuesday in Dunkard Township, near Bobtown. That's about 50 miles south of Pittsburgh.
The 911 supervisor says there have been no immediate reports of injuries, though an ambulance and emergency medical crews have been summoned to stand by at the scene.
It was not immediately clear who owns the well or what caused the well to catch fire.
Crews at the scene were reporting that intense flames have kept them from getting too close to the well.
Duane Nichols, Cell- 304-216-5535.