I'm forwarding the minutes from a special meeting in Morgantown for the Pastureland Parkway that focused on community input for the accommodation of bikes and pedestrians in the project.
Bill Reger-Nash, Citizens Advisory Committee for MPO, who arranged the meeting, submitted these minutes attached in PDF format.
I sent my own minutes to the monbikeclub and monnbg yahoogroups for people who would like my perspective.
Good contacts who were present at the meeting include:
William Robinson wrobinson@dot.state.wv.us - Community Development Specialist for WVDOT (I recommend sending input about ideas for the Pastureland Parkway to him since he works directly with the Department of Transportation and is interesting in firmly establishing bicycle/pedestrian planning within the WVDOT. I have his phone number if anyone wants to call him).
Rob Pack rpack@hsc.wvu.ed - he is working with Bill Reger-Nash on developing a comprehensive master plan for bike/pedestrian accommodation needs that will be presented to the Greater Morgantown MPO. Bill doesn't have an email address, but I'm sure you can give him a phone call. For comments you send directly to William, I recommend cc Rob as well.
Chet Parsons parsons@morgantown.com - Director of MPO. He is the chief engineer at MPO, and needs all the input you can give him that will help him clearly understand and define bicyclist/pedestrian needs in the town of Morgantown. Though the CAC for MPO will ultimately present everyones ideas to the MPO, it wouldn't hurt to email or call him about your concerns since my impression was he really needs to be filled in about more details, for instance, statistics, the actual bicycling community in Morgantown, successful bikeway plans which Morgantown could be modeled after, etc.
http://plantogether.org is the main website for MPO.
Jonathan Rosenbaum
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