Minutes: Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition; March 6, 2006 The March meeting of the MVCAC was held at the home of Martha and Larry Schwab on March 6, 2006 beginning at 7:00 pm. There were 12 participants in attendance. Jim Kotcon began the meeting by presenting Phil Gaujot with the West Virginia Environmental Coalition's 2006 Linda Schnautz Environmental Courage Award. This award was well-deserved. There is no question that MVCAC would not be where it is without Phil's expertise and dedication. The minutes from the last meeting were unanimously approved. Duane offered the convener's position to anyone in the group who might like to take it. No one volunteered. He then announced that Deb Fulton will be stepping down as Treasurer. He has asked her to continue for one more month, so that we can find a replacement. Duane provided a Treasurer's report. We currently have balance of approximately $1550. We have applied to the state Sierra Club for reimbursement of $2000 that we spent in 2005. Sierra Club has granted us an additional $2000 for 2006 and will, if we can justify the need, give us an additional $1500, which is a carryover from last year. We also anticipate a $5,000 donor grant again this year. We received $800 in donations from the 600 flyers that we sent out prior to the PSC hearing. We have budgeted monies for the following purposes: $1500 for public education, $3000 for air monitoring, $500 for miscellaneous, and up to $7,000 for expert witnesses. Jim announced that we have entered into an agreement with Synapse Energy Economics to help us with the fight against Longview. According to their web page: "Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. provides research, testimony, reports and regulatory support to consumer advocates, environmental organizations, regulatory commissions, state energy offices, and others." They will provide expert testimony with regard to the issue of the PILOT agreement and the financial viability of the proposed Longview plant. So far, they have mainly been able to testify about what Longview has not provided in the way of documents related to these financial issues. Phil stated that the PSC is permitting Longview to submit many documents in a confidential manner that would not be accessible to the public. Phil petitioned the PSC to be privy to this information. The PSC granted this request, and both he and our expert witness will be able to examine these documents. The PSC's evidentiary hearing regarding the two permits that Longview has requested (siting and transmission line) will begin on Tuesday, March 21 at 9:30 am in Charleston. There will be seating for observers, and there will probably be an initial public comment period. Duane invited members of the group to go. Jarrett reported on the storm water permit that Longview must obtain. They initially applied in November 2005 and then withdrew the application. They applied again, and were assigned a new case number. This has presented some confusion. Jarrett stated that Longview has not given the PSC all of the necessary details that they would need for processing the permit. In addition, they have asked for 2 acres and Jarrett estimates that they would need more like 200 acres. Jarrett noted that Longview did not provide the PSC with information regarding the final route for the transmission line. Also, he is continuing to pursue issues related to the historical significance of the Ft. Martin area with Susan Pierce in the Division of Culture and History. Jarrett mentioned that a total of 11 people spoke in favor of the proposed Longview Power Plant, while 53 spoke against it at the two public hearings that were held last month. John Geever presented a draft of the text that may be included in the tri-fold color brochure that he is developing for us. Duane asked if John could send it to him, so that it could be sent to the entire email list for comment. [This has now been done.] Duane asked for ideas for fund raising. Jim suggested calling people directly, however, we currently do not have phone numbers for the people on our mailing list. In addition, we do not actually have a mailing list, but a series of petitions. Paula suggested that we have a session where people bring their laptops, and we put addresses into a database. Everyone agreed that this was a good idea. Phil asked whether the residents of Ft. Martin had been asked for contributions. They have not been directly approached, and Jarrett said that he would think about how best to proceed with asking them for contributions. Paula wondered if it would be useful to go door-to-door in Baker's Ridge Manor, because those residents are directly affected. Robert Tower is looking for a new venue for the Mon Earth Concert, because the Rosewood has closed. Some suggestions were made, including South Middle School, Eisland Hall, and the Wesley Church gymnasium. Duane suggested that, as an educational activity, we ask a representative from the WV DEP to give a talk about air monitoring in Morgantown. Deb visited the DEP and indicated that they told her that they would provide such a talk. The group agreed that this was a good idea. Duane asked Phil what the next step was in the Longview process, and Phil indicated that we needed to respond to various testimonies by the 14th and the 16th of March. Jim mentioned that the Bush administration is currently asking that states approve a weakening of the current law (the Clean Air Act) for the reduction of mercury over the next 20 years. Coal-fired power plants are the primary sources of mercury pollution. The WV DEP is asking the WV Legislature to adopt these weaker standards. We already have significant mercury levels in our rivers and streams in WV. It initially appeared that the House Judiciary Committee was going to propose stronger standards, but they changed their collective mind. The standards will now go before the Senate, so if you would like to see stronger standards, please contact Senators Oliverio and Prezioso ASAP. For more details and talking points, visit Clear the Air's website at the following url: http://www.cleartheair.org/proactive/newsroom/release.vtml?id=25340 To contact the senators: Michael Oliverio II; E-mail: cglagola@mail.wvnet.edu; Business Phone: (304) 292-3339; Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7919 Roman Prezioso; E-mail: cglagola@mail.wvnet.edu; Business Phone: (304) 363-7323; Capitol Phone: (304) 357-7961 Duane proposed that we consider becoming an organizational member of the West Virginia Environmental Council. This would provide us with representation on their board and would cost about $100. It was agreed that we would take up this topic at the next meeting. Duane asked Cindy O’Brien to become Treasurer of MVCAC, and she graciously agreed to do so. The group thanked Martha for providing beautiful and delicious food and hospitality. The meeting ended at 8:30 pm. Respectfully submitted, Linda Shuster