EPA IS PROPOSING TO REVISE ITS AIR QUALITY STANDARDS FOR NITROGEN DIOXIDE EPA is proposing to strengthen the nation's nitrogen dioxide (NO2) standards. The proposed revisions would retain the current annual standard of 53 ppb., reflecting the latest health effects of exposure to NO2 and establish a one-hour NO2 standard at a level between 80 and 100 parts per billion (ppb). NO2 is formed by emissions from cars, trucks, buses, power plants, and industrial facilities, contributes to smoggy, unhealthy air from ozone pollution and to acid rain and particulate pollution. Two hearings took place, one on August 3, in Arlington, Va. and one on August 6 in Los Angeles, Ca. EPA will accept written comments on the proposed rule until Sept. 14 and faces a Jan. 22 judicial consent decree deadline to have the NO2 standard in place. For more detailed information on the proposed rule and instructions for submitting written comments, go to _http://www.epa.gov/air/nitrogenoxides/actions.html_ (http://www.epa.gov/air/nitrogenoxides/actions.html)
NOTE: In addition to direct contributions to our local ozone and acid rain, the nitrogen oxides are interacting with other chemical species to form smog and very fine particulate matter...... this region is in or near "non-attainment" status for very fine particulate matter, i.e. PM-2.5. D.G.N.