ANNOUNCEMENT AIR QUALITY TRAINING SESSION SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2005 [THIS COMING SUNDAY!] CHEAT LAKE FIRE HALL, TIME: 9 AM TO 12 NOON. WV ROUTE 857 NORTH FROM CHEAT LAKE EXIT ON I-68 Learning Objectives: 1) To become sufficiently knowledgeable that participants can feel comfortable serving as public spokespeople, participate in a speakers bureau, or get interviewed by reporters. 2) To identify gaps and develop plans for an expanded training session later this year. Agenda: 9:00 Introductions 9:10 Basics: What are air pollutants? How are they created? What health effects do they cause? 9:30 Legal: How are air pollutants regulated? How are standards set? How are they monitored and enforced? 10:00 How are pollutants controlled? Common technologies for power plants. 10:20 Break 10:30 What can be done about it? Public involvement processes. Making Effective Comments. 11:00 Frequently Asked Questions 11:30 Putting Knowledge into Practice: Case Study: Practice reviewing a permit. 11:50 Wrap-up and Evaluation. What needs are still unmet? How should we meet them? Noon Adjourn Homework Assignment. Each person registering should bring a list of questions for the FAQ session? The most frequent questions will be covered first. NOTE: Please inform Duane Nichols [] by this Friday at 5 pm if you have questions or plan to attend on this coming Sunday morning. The MonValley Clean Air Coalition, the Cheat Lake Environment and Recreation Association, and the Sierra Club are participating to offer this training by Jim Kotcon. The Cheat Lake Fire Hall is located approximately one mile north of the Cheat Lake Exit of I-68 on the left side of WV Route 857. [The training session will be upstairs in the Fire Hall. Take care to avoid blocking the access of the fire equipment on the lower level.]