To: MVCAC participants and friends
RE: General Meeting, Tuesday, January 9th
Time & Location: 7 pm, St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Basement),
Patterson Drive, Morgantown, WV.
Agenda to include the following:
1. The Longview "siting certificate" case has been reopened at the Public Service Commission, since Longview wants to increase the power output, the size of buildings, and the amount of water usage.
2. The Allegheny Energy scrubbers for the Ft. Martin power plant have an updated financing plan, due to cost inflation.
3. The Allegheny Power transmission line plan is to be filed at the PSC.
4. Status of Green County coal refuse power plant.
5. MVCAC plans for 2007, including local educational and local monitoring activities.
6. MVCAC plans for 2007, including fund raising and grant applications.