The link at the bottom of this email leads you to the recent PSC final order reaffirming without signiificant change -- except as requested by TrAILCo -- the August 1, 2008 order approving construction of the TrAILCo transmission line. ?It is aptly summarized in the "Activity Description" section prepared by the Commission and italicized below.
Commission Final Order?......
- that the Sierra Club Petition for Reconsideration is denied;?
- ?that Mr. Hildebrand's Petition for Reconsideration is denied;?
- that the TrAILCo Petition for Reconsideration is granted as described in this Order;?
- that the sixth ordering paragraph of the Final Order, regarding installation of a static VAR compensator, is rescinded;?
- that TrAILCo notify the Commission within 30 days of the date the MVAR described in this order is installed and operational at the Meadowbrook substation;?
- that TrAILCo may proceed with a phased approach to construction and complying with the pre-construction conditions of the Final Order, as described in this Order;?
- that the eleventh ordering paragraph of the Final Order is revised;?
- that the H-P Petition to Intervene Out of Time and Petition for Reconsideration are denied;?
- that Ms. Stahl's Petition for Reconsideration is denied;?
- that the Sierra Club Petition for a Continuing Prudence Review is denied;?
- that Mr. Hildebrand's Petition for Additional Hearing is denied;?
- that exept as modified, the Order of August 1, 2008 remains the final order of the Commission in this matter;?
Case Final. Removing from open docket.
Click here to view associated document
It is my understanding that this decision can be appealed to the WV Supreme Court of Appeals within 30 days of the PSC final ruling......
Duane Nichols