Protect Americans from mercury pollution by supporting the Leahy-Collins resolution. U. S. Senate Joint Resolution 20, introduced by Senators Leahy and Collins under the Congressional Review Act, would disapprove EPA’s delisting rule and restore integrity to the rule-making process, as explained in the email of Tuesday.
If you wish to contact Senators Byrd and/or Rockefeller on this, snail mail letters are the most effective means of gaining their attention, as this can be directly identified as coming from a voting constituent......
_Byrd, Robert_ ( - (D - WV) 311 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-3954 Web Form: (javascript:openwindow('');)
_Rockefeller, John_ ( - (D - WV) 531 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON DC 20510 (202) 224-6472 Web Form: (javascript:openwindow('');)