Noted Secondhand Smoke Expert to visit WVU Tuesday March 2
Stanton Glantz, Ph.D., Professor of Cardiology from the University of California San Francisco, will present a public health grand round entitled “ Secondhand Smoke and Cardiovascular Health – It’s Even Worse than you Think” at noon in room 1905, HSC Learning Center. Dr. Glantz is considered an international authority on secondhand smoke and has authored over 200 scientific publications. Glantz’s recent analyses confirming reductions in heart attacks among non-smokers were published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association and Journal of the American College of Cardiology in September of 2009. Glantz has appeared in film and television programs including the PBS Series, Frontline. He is one of the founders of Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights. His visit is sponsored by the Department of Community Medicine and the Translational Tobacco Reduction Research Program as part of the Current Clinical Concepts in Tobacco Treatment Series and Public Health Grand Rounds. For information on Continuing Education and webcast access, visit: _ ( Lunch will be provided for those who RSVP by February 26th to _ophp@hsc.wvu.edu_ ( For additional dates and topics in the Current Clinical Concepts in Tobacco Treatment Series, please view the attached “Save the Date” flyer.