Dear localplanetoids, At the bottom of the front page in today's Morgantown Dominion Post, there's a short article about last night's City Council meeting. Toward the end, there are a few sentences about our Green Morgantown Declaration, which I submitted as a proposed resolution during the public portion of the meeting. I think the tone is quite sympathetic, although it doesn't go into the kind of detail I would have liked. Council will consider discussing the proposal at their meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, June 28. If they decide to discuss it, I will be invited to attend and answer questions. I'll take along our local expert, Al Ebron, for technical issues. I'll keep you posted on how things go.
your servant, Paul
Paul Brown Physiology Department West Virginia University Health Sciences Center Morgantown, WV 26506 (304) 293 - 1512