QUICK OVERVIEW: SUNDAY: The House and Senate will convene Sunday at 5pm to begin the special Session on Marcellus shale drilling regulation. Tonight at the opening of the session, in the House the bill was read and single referenced to Judiciary Committee which will meet at 9am Tuesday.
In the Senate, the bill was NOT read, but simply announced (puzzling...usually done when they're trying to kill a bill), and double referenced to Judiciary and Finance Committees. Senate Judiciary will meet at 9am tomorrow, Monday. MONDAY: THIS IS WHEN WE NEED THE NUMBERS!!! YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO OR SAY ANYTHING – JUST SHOW UP 12 noon, we will hold a press conference in the Lower Rotunda 4:30pm House of Delegates will hold a public hearing in the House Chamber THE GAS INDUSTRY IS HOLDING A RALLY AND THERE WILL BE PRO- DRILLING “CITIZENS” THERE IN MATCHING T-SHIRTS. TUESDAY: The bill will be taken up by House Judiciary. DETAILS AND DIRECTIONS: A few things about our capitol for newcomers………. Directions: The Capitol is in the East End of Charleston, off of I-64, take the Airport/Capitol/Greenbrier St. exit 99. Parking: Rarely available on capitol grounds, fair luck on side streets, but there is a public parking lot next to nearby Laidley Field with a shuttle bus to the capitol building. Ground level entrances to the capitol will lead you to our meeting area under the dome at the Information Desk. With few exceptions, all areas of the capitol building are freely open to the public. We can guide you to offices of your officials and provide with talking points. Dressing appropriately and being courteous and friendly goes a long way toward overcoming indifference and resistance from the lawmakers Here are contact numbers for you if needed. Chuck Wyrostok – Sierra Club 304 545 6325 Carol Warren – Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition OVEC 304 539 2240 Julie Archer – WV Surface Owners Right Organization SORO 304 610 9094 Denise Poole WV Environmental Council 304 617 7073 BACKGROUND: Following three years of deliberation and after months of labor by the Joint Select Committee, Governor Tomblin took a knife to their “agreed upon” bill, hacking out vital parts like an apprentice butcher. Here’s what we know so far: Some of the things the governor’s bill would do: Allow pits to be buried on site Eliminate the provision that allowed for DEP to call a public hearing on a drilling permit application. It looks like they also eliminated the public (publication) notice and comment. Reduce the distance from a water well for required testing 2,500' to 1,500 feet Make the landowner go to court to get water replacement and there is a now definition of "water purveyor" that may limit who gets notice. Eliminate the legal notice to adjacent landowners Reduce some of the buffer zones for rivers, streams, wetlands, etc. Eliminate the "special conditions" amendment Remove the amendment regulating air quality Remove the traditional power of local government to regulate zoning and land development of gas activities as well as other aspects, such as the time and the place of operations to protect health, safety and welfare of the general public through local ordinances and enactments. SUNDAY: The House and Senate will initially convene a Special Session Sunday at 5:00 PM. The bill will be read a first time and then referred to committees. Environmental lobbyists will be there to monitor this. No voting on this can take place until it’s in the committee rooms and then back out into the Senate and House. MONDAY: 12 noon, we will hold a press conference in the Lower Rotunda (ground floor under the dome). Citizen groups and landowners who know from personal experience about their own small private hell will speak. If you have experienced drilling travesties and can be there, please contact me at _outreach@marcellus-wv.com_ (mailto:outreach@marcellus-wv.com) and plan to arrive by 11:30am. Earlier arrivals can meet us there to plan action for the day. Environmental lobbyists from
several organizations will be there to meet, greet and guide you. MONDAY 4:30pm House of Delegates will hold a public hearing in the House Chamber. Anyone can sign up to speak. Get there early to sign up. The gas industry will rally their people at a nearby church between 2:30 & 3pm. They will show up at the public hearing all wearing the same color t-shirts. Their message
will be to support the industry -- no particular position on the bill. TUESDAY: The bill will be taken up by House Judiciary. It will be crucial to have a large presence there to make our needs known to our Delegates and Senators and press them to pass strong rules in spite of the Governor’s betrayal of the people. If you only do one thing against this blatant industrialization of our hills, please make this the one. This is a pivotal point in this campaign and we need to throw everything we've got at preventing them from passing an empty bill and calling it "fixed". They are all accountable and we will call for a moratorium on further permits unless we get the elements into law that are nothing more than our human rights. If you cannot be there, you can play a powerful role by _calling or emailing your Delegate and Senators._ (http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Districts/district_zip/zipmems.cfm) Tell them you are a constituent in their district. They must thoroughly understand our determination to secure our rights for a safe supply of water and air and for preservation of our rights as landowners. How forcefully citizens make their legislators carry out their sworn constitutional duties will determine what kind of future we will have here in West Virginia. The bill and a bill summary are posted online: 10 page summary of bill at: _http://www.governor.wv.gov/newsroom/pressreleases/Documents/Governor%27s%20 Summary_Horizontal%20Well%20Act.pdf_ (http://www.governor.wv.gov/newsroom/pressreleases/Documents/Governor%27s%20S...) Complete 99 page bill at _http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bulletin_Board/Proclamation/2011/Governor%27s_M... (http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bulletin_Board/Proclamation/2011/Governor%27s_M...)
It is citizen pressure that caused the calling of this Special Session and it will be citizen pressure that will ensure passage of a strong Marcellus bill. Chuck Wyrostok, Sierra Club Outreach Organizer Toll free 877 252 0257, E: _outreach@marcellus-wv.com_ (mailto:outreach@marcellus-wv.com) , _www.marcellus-wv.com_ (http://www.marcellus-wv.com) See also: _www.frackcheckwv.net_ (http://www.frackcheckwv.net)