To: MonValley Clean Air Coalition, a. k. a. CALP.
Our Committees are encouraged to meet as appropriate to continue
moving forward with our projects and programs. Monday, July 11th,
is available for Committee meetings. The next regular meeting of
MVCAC will be Monday, July 25th at 7:00 pm. This most likely will be
at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Patteson Drive.
In August, the 8th is available for Committee meetings with
a general meeting set for August 22nd at Larry Schwab's home.
[[We have a number of activities underway including projects on
public relations and information distribution, air quality monitoring,
and the appeal of the PILOT agreement, among others.]]
[[Let me know if you have new ideas, example materials, questions
or other comments. Please take care to limit mailings to the
_MVCAC@cheat.org_ ( list to only those that merit general distribution.]]
Thank you very much.
Duane Nichols
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead.