FRIDAY, MAY 27 DESIGNATED AS "DON'T FRY DAY" The Friday before Memorial Day is "Don't Fry Day" to remind the public about the dangers from exposure to the sun's ultra-violet rays and that melanoma is now a serious form of skin cancer among young adults aged 25 to 29. EPA's SunWise program and the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention have partnered to provide simple protective tips that could save lives, including using sunscreen, sunglasses or wearing a hat while enjoying the great outdoors. For more information, go to _ ( Actualities (sound bites): _ (
KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER WHILE SAVING MONEY, REDUCING POLLUTION On May 19, EPA's Energy Star program issued its summer list of ideas to help cut cooling costs and protect public health. The list includes using more efficient light bulbs, setting thermostats a few degrees higher when not at home, using ceiling fans, maximizing shade, reducing oven use, using air conditioner filters, and plugging duct system leaks. Last year Energy Star saved Americans approximately $18 billion on energy bills while preventing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the annual emission of 33 million vehicles. To reduce your energy costs this summer, go to _ ( Help protect the environment through "Energy Stars Across America": _ (