Webinar: Links Between Cancer and Early Life Exposures to Environmental Pollutants
Thursday, December 8 12:15-1:15 p.m.
While pediatric cancer is still a rare disease, the rate of new cancers has increased nearly 30% since 1975. In this webinar, presenters will review the state of the science on the contribution of environmental exposures in early life to cancer, and reflect on its implications for clinical practice and engagement of health professionals in policy change. A special focus of the webinar will be on air pollution. A description of exposures from mobile and point sources in Southwest Pennsylvania will provide a case study in the challenges and opportunities for reducing exposures as industrial economies transition.
Presenters include Dr. Phil Landrigan, Dean for Global Health and Professor of Pediatrics and Environmental Medicine and Public Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai; Dr. Jim Fabisiak, GASP Board Member and a toxicologist with expertise in the mechanisms and injury of air pollutants; and Dr. Richard Clapp, an epidemiologist who specializes in environmental and occupational cancer.
Learn more and RSVP. A Petrochemical Plant For a Neighbor?
Thursday, December 1 6-8:30 p.m. Beaver Station Cultural and Event Center 250 East End Avenue Beaver, PA 15009
What happens when a major petrochemical manufacturing plant becomes the heart of a community’s strategy for social and economic development? What can Beaver County residents learn from those who have lived through such changes? Join speakers Iris Carter and Ann Rolfes to learn, to share, and to get answers to the question "What can I do?"
Iris Carter and Ann Rolfes have spent their lives close to petrochemical facilities in Louisiana. These educators have valuable insights to share about how local citizens can address the social and health impacts of such facilities. Framing their stories and advice will be a screening of the PBS POV video Fenceline: A Company Town Divided. Speakers from Beaver County communities will also share their own questions and concerns.
Iris Carter was raised in Louisiana next to a Shell cracker plant. After losing family members to illnesses related to chemical exposure, she became a leading spokesperson and negotiator for The Concerned Citizens of Norco. Iris has traveled around the country and the world making presentations, attending shareholder meetings, and encouraging other communities in their environmental justice campaigns.
Anne Rolfes founded the Louisiana Bucket Brigade in 2000 to empower communities to stop pollution in her home state. The Bucket Brigade has created cutting edge tools, including the iWitness Pollution Map, the Refinery Accident Database, and street-based artistic performances. Anne was raised in Lafayette, Louisiana, where many people made their fortunes from the oil industry. She has seen the wealth and the poverty created by oil production and seeks to make the industry more equitable. She has a Masters in International Development from Tulane. CommentAiry
"The goal for Millvale is to be a clean air community where people can breathe easy indoors and out." Large turnout for EcoDistrict Pivot meeting as Millvale takes on its air issues.
"...Pittsburgh is continuing to compete with the best cities in the nation to be economically, environmentally and socially competitive for our future workforce." New legislation requiring reporting on energy and water use in large buildings will make it easier to improve building performance in the city.
"The Methane Mapping Project uses sensors attached to Google Street View cars to create detailed maps of places where natural gas is leaking from utility pipes under city streets." See some early results from a few Pittsburgh neighborhoods here.
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