LOCAL WEBINAR ON POLAR ICE CAPS ~ Heating & Melting are Underway BigTime on EARTH (3/23/22 @ 7 PM)
Jacob Fourier in France understood the “greenhouse effect” in 1824. “What Are The Poles (North and South) Telling Us About Earth’s Climate Future?” From Tom Rodd, Executive Director, WV Center on Climate Change, March 21, 2022
Here’s our final reminder about the upcoming Wednesday, March 23 @ 7 PM live climate science program from Morgantown, WV — featuring a great speaker, Dr. Julie Brigham-Grette.
§§§ — Details and registration are here.
Julie Brigham-Grette is a world-renowned scientist who studies the polar regions. She is tremendously alarmed at the ongoing environmental collapse of these areas that are so vital to our planetary well-being. See her recent article on this topic here.
Dr. Brigham-Grette will be speaking and answering questions about how the polar climate has already changed, what we can expect as global climate change continues, and why we urgently need to address the climate crisis to protect humanity’s future.
Dr. Brigham-Grette will be joined by two West Virginia University Professors, Dr. Amy Weislogel, Associate Professor of Sedimentary Geology, and Dr. Christopher J. Russoniello, Assistant Professor of Geology. More information on all of these speakers is here at the registration page.
Wednesday, March 23rd @ 7 PM — The in-person venue will be a “smart conference room” at the WVU Media Innovation Center, in the Evansdale Crossing Building, 62 Morrill Way, Morgantown WV 26506. There will be audience seating, cameras and microphones for online participation, and a large screen displaying online speakers and audience questions. Doors open at 6:30 PM USET, and the online program will go from 7:00 to 8:00 PM USET. Reservations are not required. WVU COVID protocols currently require masking.
Don’t miss this unique chance to engage with these outstanding scientists who are joining this program to discuss the most important challenge of our time. The stakes could not be higher — let’s make them welcome!
We have more than 130 registrants so far – and for anyone in the Morgantown area, this will be a special gathering with other climate-concerned folks! Please share this invitation with your friends, and I hope to see you, in-person or online!
Tom Rodd, Director, West Virginia Center on Climate Change
### ~ To attend and participate in this program — either online or in person — register here. For more information, email Thanks for your climate concerns!
P.S. Please share this message with others who might be interested! They will appreciate it!
Tagged as: CH4, CO2, fossil fuels, frack gas, GHG, global warming, polar ice caps, sea level rise, WV Center on Climate Change
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