Be advised.
Longview on April 16 applied to the PSC to re-open the case. They have filed a "monthly report" in lieu of the "detailed blue prints" for the project. They further propose to submit continued monthly reports and want to have this "design/build" approach approved by the PSC in lieu of submitting final blue prints 120 days in advance of construction.
The real kicker is that they also want the PSC to rule that these reports and attachments are all "confidential business information" and have submitted a proposed order which states that "No Party has opposed Longview's Motion for a Protective Order...". Among other items they are proposing as Confidential, are the Wetland delineation map, the plant survey grid, the Phase I grading plan, and others. How can any potential competitor take unfair advantage of Longview by knowing the "grading plan"? The Wetland delineation map is a public document, so that clearly should not apply.
Finally, the WV Economic Development Authority committed $600 million for Longview to begin "solid waste disposal and recycling facilities at the plant". Th WV-EDA also indicated "The company likely will come back over the next few years to request revenue bonds from the authority". Can anyone tell me, does this make the facility a public utility? Do other siting and utility disclosure rules apply? At a minimum, would not these recycling and solid waste facilities change the plant footprint, and therefore constitute a major modification to the Siting permit?
I think these two changes are very big, and would warrant a response as soon as possible.
JBK 4/23/2007 9:06 AM >>>
To: Participants and Friends of MVCAC
Let's consider a meeting on May 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
[Tuesday thru Thursday of the first week of May],
or on May 7th (Monday) or May 10th (Thursday).
Please direct correspondence and contributions to:
MonValley Clean Air Coalition P. O. Box 4679 Morgantown, WV 26504-4679.
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