> Subject: NSR Permits for Review (Current)
> https://dep.wv.gov/daq/Pages/NSRPermitsforReviewCurrent.aspx/
> NSR Permits for Review (Current)
> NSR Permits for Review - 2018 to present
> Below is a list of applications for permit, draft permits, final permits, evaluations, and other documents that are in conjuction with registrations. We have them listed alphabetically by county, company, then facility. If you would like to view any of the documents listed, please click HERE to access our database. When you open the database to login simply enter DEP as the user and DEP as the password. (ALL CAPS) Once on the site, click on PERMITSAIR and you can search by any of the parameters listed. If you know the permit number, which is is the second column below, you may enter it into the SECONDARY ID NUMBER field.
> Use the CTRL + the F keys as a shortcut for the Find command to search text on this web page. Pressing CTRL + F will bring up a search box. Just type in that search box and it will locate the text you are looking for on this page. Examples would be county names, company names (full or partial) or permit numbers.