> From: James Kotcon <jkotcon(a)wvu.edu>
> Date: September 10, 2014 12:12:48 PM EDT
> To: Allan Tweddle <allantweddle(a)msn.com>, "cclwv(a)googlegroups.com" <cclwv(a)googlegroups.com>
> Cc: Don GARVIN <dsgjr(a)aol.com>, Vivian Stockman <vivian(a)ohvec.org>, WVEC Email List <paradox(a)spectrumz.com>, John Barry <John.Barry(a)sierraclub.org>, Gary Zuckett CAG <garyz(a)wvcag.org>, Janet Keating <janet.ovec(a)gmail.com>, "Sierra Club Environmental Comm." <ec(a)osenergy.org>
> Subject: Re: [EC] Op-Ed in today's Gazette
> Allan, et al.
> We are planning a forum on this topic at the WVEC Fall Convention (Oct. 17-19 at Cedar Lakes in Ripley). This will likely be on Saturday, Oct. 18. The meeting is joint with the WV Highlands Conservancy Fall review, and legislative strategies are the primary topic. I also hope to emphasize some state agency actions, as WV-DEP will need to propose a state implementation Plan to EPA under the proposed greenhouse gas standards for power plants in the Clean Power Plan.
> EPA is urging states to "think beyond the fence" to include energy efficiency, renewables, and fuel switching , something that DEP may not be inclined to do. I think that will mean a significant effort to get DEP (which regulates "inside the fence" pollution controls) to work with the WV-PSC (which would over see energy efficiency and other "outside the fence" activities).
> A key step may be to amend the horrible HB 4346 which limits DEP's authority to implement greenhouse gas standards.
> There may be other, more holistic approaches, but a lot of that may depend on whether the Democrats keep control of the WV House of Delegates, and whether we can defeat some of the most extreme climate deniers.
> Who will be joining us?
> Jim Kotcon