This is a great letter and will also help Cindy and I with some details for our letter to the editor. I did note one typo in the line before the summary: change "at" to" act".
Charles L. Harris
Professor of Biochemistry
West Virginia University
School of Medicine
>>> "James Kotcon" <jkotcon(a)> 01/12/09 6:41 PM >>>
Attached is the draft I promised to provide at the meeting last week. I got a little more technical that may be necessary, but as I reviewed the history and technical documents, it looked like there were some issues worth bringing up. Technically, the public comment period was up on Oct. 2, but a letter of support can not hurt. And I propose a copy to both EPA and the DEP.
If anyone has any suggestions for improvement, or comments on the letter, let us know. If not, send this puppy in.
Jim Kotcon