Hi Everyone,
If indoor air quality is a concern of yours, you may be interested to know
(or you probably already know) that Monongalia County is considering a
smoking ban that would extend to bars and restaurants. The text of the
proposed regulation is here:
An very informative site is Smoke Free Mon County:
The Board of Health is taking comment from the public on this until March
16, 2008. ****
"Comments must be submitted in writing. All comments must include name,
address, telephone number and email must include a verifiable e-mail
address. Email comments to info(a)monchd.org or mail them to: Monongalia
County Board of Health; Re: Smoking Regulation; 453 Van Voorhis Road,
Morgantown, WV 26505"
They seem to like e mail ( info(a)monchd.org ). I received a prompt
response when I sent my message.
- paula hunt
EPA staff attended the National Association of Clean Air Agencies conference
in Crystal City, Va. to define the role states and localities can play in the
development of effective federal global warming legislation. Four key issues
were discussed: Preserving the right of states and localities to set more
stringent greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction requirements; the role they can play
in implementing a federal GHG reduction program; the role they can play in a
federal allowance program and in determining how funding is distributed and;
their role in data management under a federal climate change program.
For more information, go to
_http://www.4cleanair.org/documents/GWConferenceMaterials.pdf_ (http://www.4cleanair.org/documents/GWConferenceMaterials.pdf)
**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.
Proposed Clean Indoor Air Regulation -
The Monongalia County Clean Indoor Air Regulation proposing to eliminate
smoking in all public establishments and places of employment is open for
public comment for 45 days.? The Clean Indoor Air Regulation will be posted
at the Monongalia County Health Department, the Monongalia County Court
House and public libraries. The proposed Clean Indoor Air Regulation will also
?be available at www.monchd.org.
The public comment period will be February 1, 2008 through March 16, 2008.
Comments must be submitted in writing and the preferred method for submission
would be e-mail at info(a)monchd.org.
All e-mails must include Name, Address, Telephone Number, and a
Verifiable E-mail Address.
The Wellness Program is proud to support the protection of citizens and
workers through passage of a comprehensive smoke free
air regulation in Monongalia County.
Learn more at www.smokefreemonc.org
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EnviroBytes, a Summary of Issues and Events for Week Ending February 8, 2008,
from U.S. EPA, Region 3, Philadelphia, PA..............
EPA is reviewing the mid-Atlantic states’ recommendations as to which areas
are not meeting EPA air quality standards and should be designated as
nonattainment under a revised, national air quality standard for fine particulate
matter (PM2.5). EPA will make a final determination by Dec. 18, after which
citizens will be provided with critical information about air pollution levels
in their communities. Particulate matter are minute particles (2.5
micrometers in size or smaller) mixed with droplets in the air that are of great risk
to public health and the environment.
To learn more about PM2.5 and the revised standards, go to:
**************The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy
Awards. Go to AOL Music.
We Need You....To Come to Charleston.
By Chuck Wyrostok, WV Environmental Council Outreach Crew,
Our full-time staff lobbyists, Don Garvin, Vickie Wolfe and John
Christensen, are currently putting in some long days pounding the marble hallways at the
Capitol in Charleston, in our annual attempt to get the Legislature to
protect the environment for all the citizens of West Virginia.
And they sure would love some help from you, because there is nothing quite
like a constituent from a legislator’s home district showing up at the
capitol to “cheer” them on in the right direction. They listen to voters from
home. An army of citizen lobbyists descending on the Capitol would delight
our lobby team and lend a lot of clout to their efforts.
Showing up to speak directly to your Senators or Delegate is grassroots
lobbying at its best. They might appreciate hearing that you’ll be taking their
views on the planet’s health back home to your neighbors, and they may like
to hear that you might be writing a letter to the editor of your local
newspaper. It will be important for you to emphasize that you sacrificed your day to
come to Charleston to express your views and that you want action and
results and that people in their home district will hear about it.
The Session is more than halfway through its two-month run. The battle of
clean streams vs. dirty streams (Tier 2.5) is revving up. The Bottle Bill
got a big boost last week when the CEO of a California company met with Gov.
Manchin and legislators to propose a facility here employing over two hundred
people (Flash, Joe! Recycling pays). There are stellar Delegates and
Senators to congratulate and encourage, like Sen. Jon Blair Hunter, who delivered an
impassioned speech to a hushed Senate Chamber deploring mountaintop removal
mining. Del. Barbara Fleischauer and House Judiciary Chairwoman Carrie
Webster are championing a series of solid ‘green’ energy bills. There’s even a
bill that would require retail establishments to phase out the use of plastic
bags by 2011! Please check
_http://www.wvecouncil.org/legisupdate/2008/02_08.html_ (http://www.wvecouncil.org/legisupdate/2008/02_08.html) for a
compilation of the bills WVEC is tracking.
We’ll send you an email “packet” with helpful tips and on your arrival Don,
Vickie or John will brief you on the status of specific bills being
considered and guide you to your legislators’ offices. Tuesday is the optimum day for
your visit, but Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays work as well (Fridays,
legislators are leaving for the weekend). If you live far from Charleston, try
to recruit some local fellow greens and carpool. We’ll try to arrange
overnight lodging if you need it (Charleston area folks, please let me know if
out-of-town travelers can stay overnight at your home). Or you could save gas
by getting a small group together and inviting your legislator to breakfast
or lunch right in your home district over a weekend.
Oh, one last thing. Friday, February 22nd is E-Day at the Capitol, an
excellent day for citizen lobbying, as well as networking in person with WVEC’s
member groups and having fun together that evening at our benefit reception. We
’ll present our 2008 Environmental Awards, listen to cool, live music by the
Blue Notes and enjoy a buffet dinner.
I’ll hook you up with the Green Team under the Gold Dome.
_wyro(a)appalight.com_ (mailto:wyro@appalight.com) or 304 927-2978.
**************The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy
Awards. Go to AOL Music.
The Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition is a member of the
West Virginia Environmental Council (WVEC).....
See the recent report of the WVEC at the site below:
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****National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor Call to Action****
Please call Senator Rockefeller and Senator Byrd next week and ask them to sign
onto a letter requesting oversight hearings on National Interest Electric Transmission
Corridor Designation (the letter is attached). The Department of Energy has
designated 42 of 55 counties in West Virginia as part of the Mid-Atlantic NIETC.
Within this area, an interstate transmission line applicant has access to federal
eminent domain to site the line. NIETC could be used to site the TrAILCo/Dominion
transmission line in West Virginia.
Please ask your Senators to join Senators Casey, Whitehouse and Biden in asking
the Energy & Natural Resources Committee to hold hearings on this flawed policy.
Senator Rockefeller’s DC office: (202)224-6472
Senator Byrd’s DC office: (202)224-3954
For more information, please contact Liese Dart at (202)857-6982
or by email at ldart(a)pecva.org.
What is NIETC Designation?
Sec. 1221 of the 2005 Energy Policy Act provided the Department of Energy the discretion
to designate National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (NIETC) in areas of the United States
that are found to be electrically congested. If a project lies within an NIETC, a utility may appeal an
unfavorable state decision to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for use of federal eminent
domain to site the project. Despite receiving over 2,000 comments against the designations, the
Department of Energy designated two corridors on October 5, 2007. The first NIETC’s encompass
portions of 10 states, 220 counties and impact more than 72 million people. The Department of Energy
failed to conduct an alternatives analysis or to consult with the affected states prior to these designations,
both requirements of Sec. 1221. Although this policy could be used to provide long distance transmission
access to our nation’s developing wind and solar facilities, the Department of Energy has not designated
areas of the country that are identified as having significant renewable resources. The Mid-Atlantic
NIETC designation will increase transmission infrastructure to coal-fired generation built prior to the
1972 Clean Air Act, facilities that lie outside of the EPA’s non-attainment area for air quality.
These investments in unnecessary interstate transmission will make cleaner alternatives such as
efficiency and demand response technologies less economically viable. Eight of the ten states in
the first NIETC designations have filed Petitions for Rehearing against the Department of Energy’s
final decision.
Liese Dart
Special Projects Assistant
Piedmont Environmental Council
Phone: (202)857-7982
Cell: (202)431-8606
Fax: (540)349-9003
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?From the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy
????The WV Coal Association's Friends of Coal has denounced the Ohio Valley Environmental Council? (OVEC) as
an extremist organization. They are boycotting Kroger for including OVEC in their gift card program. If you would
like to show your support for the wonderful work OVEC is doing in their fight against mountain top removal strip
?mining you are?encouraged to purchase a Kroger gift card and write and /or email?Kroger and?encourage them
to continue including?OVEC?in their gift card program.?
????Here is the process for buying an OVEC Kroger gift card-- Go to the OVEC website www.ohvec.org?and just
down from the top of the homepage,in the center,is a link with full explanation and a printable pdf application to
mail in. You the Kroger shopper buys a Kroger gift card from OVEC for $20, it is preloaded with $20; then as
you shop at Kroger, pay for your purchase with the gift card,making sure you have it sufficiently recharged at
the customer service desk before you check out. You can load the Kroger card with any amount up to $500
and spend it over time,?& OVEC get's 5% of whatever?you spend. If you normally pay for groceries with a credit
card,you can just recharge your gift card with the same credit card, continuing to earn frequent-flier miles,bonus
points,cash back,or whatever.
????Kroger has held up well and so far continues to include OVEC in the gift card program.
????You can email Kroger on line at http://services.kroger.com/comments/comments.aspx
????To write to Kroger and thank them for including OVEC use the address below.
Please cc martinjul(a)aol.com? so we know how many have responded.
Mr. Carl York
Public Relations Manager
P.O. Box 14002
Roanoke, VA? 24038?
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, things aren't going
to get better, they're not!" From The Lorax by Dr. Suess
For The Mountains
Julian Martin
Vice-President for State Affairs
West Virginia Highlands Conservancy www.wvhighlands.org
1525 Hampton Road, Charleston, WV 25314
Contact me(martinjul(a)aol.com) for a trip to Kayford Mountain to see
active and so-called reclaimed mountain top removal. Go to www.wvhighlands.org
for I Love Mountains t-shirts, hats, I Heart Mountains and Friends Of The Mountains
bumper stickers and for speakers, information and exhibits on environmental issues
in West Virginia.
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