Dear League of Women Voters of,
West Virginians are ready to be heard at the ballot box. We can help. Click here if you would like to host an Our Children, Our Future Voter Workshop in your county this summer, and learn how you can register, educate, and turnout voters in your community.
The last 5 years the Our Children, Our Future Campaign has brought people together from both parties and all walks of life to fight for our children. With your help, we have held dozens of candidate forums, trained hundreds of citizens to run for office, and mobilized thousands to the Capitol for our annual advocacy days. Our work has paid off in 27 statewide policy victories (including raising the minimum wage, expanding school breakfast programs by 5.2 million meals, and requiring substance abuse prevention education in every grade). We also proudly supported our teachers this spring (that's my son below).
Every two years, we hold NON-PARTISAN Voter Workshops around the state - in order to train West Virginia families, churches, community organizations, schools, and other partner groups how they can make sure that they get their communities registered and educated to vote. We believe it's our job as citizens to hold all political parties accountable to the issues that matter to us. These are ACTION workshops - they are designed to get communities off to a strong start so that they can organize their own candidate forum, voter registration drive, hold an issue forum, get-out-the-vote effort, etc.
We'd love to do one in your county. Sign your county up here!
We would be happy to come lead a Voter Workshop in your county this June, July, or August. But we need someone like you to be the host! Hosts agree to:
* Secure a location, date, and time
* Find at least 2 local groups, congregations, etc. to partner with you
* Recruit at least 7 people to attend (an ideal workshop is more like 15-25), but we ask for at least 7 people there, so that we can have a real diversity of opinion and experience
* By hosting a workshop, you also qualify to come for free to our People's Policy Summit on September 18th
* Most important: by committing to host a workshop, you are also committing to wanting to take some action in your community after the workshop!
Make sure to complete the Host Form
here, and we'll get back to you. If we get multiple hosts from one county or region, we'll work to get you all together and co-host. Give us 10 days to get back to you... we want to give everyone a chance to sign-up.
See you soon,
Thanks to all of our current Statewide Co-Sponsors: WV Healthy Kids and Families Coalition, WV Center on Budget and Policy, Our Children, Our Future, Families Leading Change, Young WV, Try This WV, Planned Parenthood Votes! South Atlantic, WV FREE, WV Council of Churches, WV Working Families, West Virginians for Affordable Health Care, WV Citizen Action Group, Prevent Child Abuse WV, Call to Action for Racial Equality, National Association of Social Workers WV Chapter, WV Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and ACLU-WV, and the list is growing...