Volunteer helmet fitters needed for Saturday, May 17th, between 10am
- 2pm for the Todd May First Responders Fair!
Learn how to fit a helmet properly by watching this video
produced by Positive Spin.
Good News: This is an awesome opportunity for the Spin
because there is a good possibility that one of the sponsors,
Farmer, Cline, and Campbell Law Office, will donate leftover helmets
to Positive Spin assuming they end up with extra helmets!
Where: University Town Center Walmart, Granville
When: May 17, 10am - 2pm
About the Helmets: Each child will be given a FREE bicycle
The coordinator of the helmet fitting told me they need volunteers
even if it is just for a portion of the time, and they want to know
how many volunteers will be participating before the event.
Please email me if you can participate.
Bonus ride: I will be bicycling up to the event (and back to the
Spin at 12:30pm), so if anyone wants to ride up with me, please
confirm. We can meet on the rail trail by the John F. Kennedy
Memorial in the Edith Barill Riverfront Park around 9:30am.