Thank-you for the agenda item.

Everyone, the next regular Board Meeting is this Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the Positive Spin headquarters.  If the weather is good we may have it outside.  Seating for non-board members may be limited, so please bring some form of seating if you plan to attend, and want to sit.


On 05/16/2013 08:44 AM, Will Ravenscroft wrote:
In the past Positive Spin has occasionally reserved a booth at the "Greatest Garage Sale on Earth" being run by the Boy Scouts. We sell some bikes to cover expenses and could set up a repair stand if someone wanted to demonstrate.
This year the event is August 3rd and it costs $30 per booth for non-profits.
Are we interested?
Will Ravenscroft
Engineering Science Bldg Rm 551B West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6103

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