Positive Spin will formally open to the public for the new season this
Saturday, the 22nd, 1-5pm.
WVU's Tau Beta Pi (The Engineering Honor Society), our long-time
partner, will help us prepare the shop on the first day of Spring,
Thursday, March 20 by providing a work session as part of their Annual
Spring Bike Drive from 6-8pm. Please stop by to help out!
March 22 is 2 days after the start of Spring, and one month from Earth
Day on April 22nd, so please celebrate the month going into Earth Day
(April 22) by helping to recycle a bicycle at the Spin and becoming a
Memberships are $24 for individuals or in lieu of 8hrs volunteering on
at least two separate days (BOD decision, May 21, 2013), and $36 for
"Are you ready to take a Spin?"