Comment to EPA before Nov. 19, 2010 on Coal Combustion Waste Regulation
Time is running out!

                 November 17, 2010

                                   from J.K.
                                   and the Environmental Integrity Project

Please send comments by Nov. 19 to USEPA asking them to:
  1. Regulate Coal Combustion Wastes under RCRA Subtitle C as Special Waste *not* Solid Waste. Studies show that ash is hazardous, and that ground water under ash impoundments violates water quality standards. West Virginia does not limit contamination! We need federal oversight on this!!
  1. Tighten the loopholes for ''Beneficial Use'' -- especially in mine land applications.  Much of the coal ash in northern West Virginia is exempted because it is dumped on mine sites as a so-called ''beneficial use.''  Under this provision, the mine is exempted from requirements for liners, leachate collection, ground water monitoring, and more.  In fact, if EPA adopts their proposed rule, it may push even more ash onto these mine sites, threatening our ground water. Please tell EPA that the example of West Virginia shows why tougher regulation is needed, that state regulation is NOT working, and the rule needs to be strengthened by closing the beneficial use loopholes.
More information is in the Federal Register announcement available here.