Update, information, report:
I went to two meetings this week. On Monday night I went to
the Morgantown Cools City Committee meeting. At their meeting
they strategized for their up and coming Tuesday night meeting with the City
Council. They were number 5 on the list of groups that were to
present their case. I was impressed at how determined and clear
sighted every member of the committee was to their cause. They
planned for who would speak at the City Council meeting and what each member
would talk about.
Last night, Tuesday, the City Council met and the Cool City Committee was
in attendance, along with support people, including myself. When their
turn came up, #5, the City Council officials took the floor! They were
replete with praise for the Sierra Club and the Clean Air Coalition. They
thanked these groups officially for bringing the Cools Cities agenda to
them. They reviewed the twelve point Kyoto Protocol listed by the
U.S. Mayors Climate Pretection Agreement ( provided by the Sierra Club) and
talked about steps they have already taken, and will continue to
take, in order to address these critical actions.
I wasn't sure if this sounded as good to everyone else as it sounded to me
until Jim Kotcon stood up, turned around to all of us and said, "We
won!!!" We were all aglow with joy.
Of course Jim Kotcon and Joshua Rutkowski went immediately to the hallway
and started to plan the next move, but even Jim took a few minutes to just be
So, someone from the committee can add details to this note, my intention
was to sing your praises. Please pass this note on to Cool City
Committee members who are not on the Energy Committee and thereby in my address
Good work. Thank you
Barbara Fallon, Sierra Club's Energy Committee