Dear Friend,
The EPA recently took a historic step by issuing new protections to reduce carbon pollution from power plants by 30 percent by 2030!
This is the beginning of what could be the biggest climate fight in history and fossil fuel billionaires are mobilizing like never before. It's more important than ever that West Virginia's Congressional representatives hear from you. You can be sure they are hearing from the coal industry!
There is currently no limit to the amount of carbon pollution that power plants are allowed to emit into the air we breathe. Carbon dioxide emissions are the chief cause of climate change; coal-fired power plants account for 40 percent of America's total emissions. Citizens are not permitted to throw garbage into the streets or treat our roadways like open sewers. Power plants shouldn't get a free pass on carbon pollution.
The health and environmental hazards from coal—from when it's mined to when it's burned—are estimated to cost the U.S. public about one-third of a trillion dollars annually1.
You can help clean the air, transition our coal workforce to sustainable jobs, and make sure we leave our children and grandchildren with a safe, healthy, and livable planet.
The resulting climate impacts make wildfires and extreme weather events like abnormally high temperatures, flooding, and drought more severe. What's worse is that carbon pollution is linked to life-threatening air pollution that contributes to health problems like heart and lung disease and asthma. Climate change threatens the reliability of our food supply, puts water supplies at risk, contributes to sea level rise, and may impact the spread of infectious diseases. It's time for climate action today!
Thanks for all you do to protect the environment,
Jim Kotcon
WV Sierra
Action Team
P.S. After you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends and colleagues!'
1.) Epstein, Paul R. Full Cost Assounting for the Life Cycle of Coal, Harvard School of Public Health, February 2011
Duane Nichols, Cell- 304-216-5535,