-----Original Message-----
From: Paula Hunt <pjhunt@xemaps.com>
To: mvcac@cheat.org
Sent: Wed, Jul 13, 2011 10:22 pm
Subject: Re: [MVCAC] Marcellus (all) Wells and related
It's great that the pressure is finally making the politicians do
something. Kudos to all of you who worked so hard on this!!
Your voices and letters have made an impact!
Bob, I haven't heard of the WV Geo. Survey being involved in any wording,
but I am not in the O&G Section, so we might be. We really miss
Lee Avary's expertise....
Jonathan, thanks for the link to the report.
Bill thanks for the NYT article and Dee thanks for your investigative
journalism. Despite the flaws and embellishments in the article, it
is a little disconcerting when a former Enron exec see parallels!
Tim and I watched "The Smartest Guys in the Room" about Enron a
couple of weeks ago. It's scary how they manipulated the energy
markets and how it probably could be done again. On another topic,
if the production decline curves are more rapid than originally thought,
that could mean that less gas will be extracted than originally
planned. But I don't think the author really developed that part of
the article very well. Would you consider working for the Dominion
Post, Dee? They/we need someone who takes the time to question
- paula
At 7/13/2011 09:40 AM, Robert Shumaker wrote:
From: "Robert
Shumaker" <rcshumaker@mail.wvu.edu>
To: <mvcac@cheat.org>,
Subject: [MVCAC] Marcellus (all) Wells
Heard the govenor has issued some regulations on shale wells. One of the
most important items to be included would be a requirement that a
cement-bond log be run (1000 ft.) on every o/g well; that the drilling
and logging company engineers certify there is an
"excellent"(?) bond between the casing and rock wall of the
well; and finally that a c opy of the log be sent in a timely manner (?)
to the WV Geological Survey and the WV Oil and Gas comission, and that
this log cannot be considered as confidential. A petroleum
engineer/geologist should draw up the exact wording for any such
reg. I have not heard anything about this subject in open
dicussions thus far. Hope this is old news and is part of what is going
on. Bob Shumaker