NOTE: Would anyone on the MVCAC mailing list be interested in composinga letter to the Morgantown City Council in support of the adoption of 2013 asthe Year of the Tree in Morgantown? See the information below from the Morgantown Green Team . . . This exercise is not limited to one letter . . .Duane Nichols,, 304-216-5535>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>YEAR OF THE TREE goals and themes.GOALS
THEMESHonor our Venerable Trees (as elder living beings in our community)Tree Care/EducationHistory of trees in Morgantown including their storiesConnect Morgantown trees with American and WV Certified old tree registries* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Please send by snail mail a.s.a.p. to:Judy Kierig, 413 Linden Street, Morgantown WV 26501 or email her at mailto:judithhoza@aol.comThanks. ASAMPLE LETTER TEMPLATETO: Mayor Jim Manilla and members of Morgantown City CouncilFROM: (your organization)(your organization), which resides at (your address, if you have one), supports the proclamation declaring 2013 the Year of The Tree in Morgantown.The 2013 Year of the Tree Proclamation is consistent with our program/institution/non-profit's (PICK ONE OR TWO) central belief/work/goals/mission (PICK ONE OR TWO) because (ADD WHY/HOW IT FITS).We believe that celebrating our trees is timely and appropriate. Trees are one of Morgantown's valuable assets because they (PICK THREE OR MORE OR MAKE UP YOUR OWN)
- produce oxygen
- provide habitat for wildlife
- lower heating and cooling costs
- clean the air we breathe of toxins
- provide shade
- provide ongoing and long-lived sources of food
- increase property values
- sustain many forms of life
- enhance their surroundings with beauty and shade
- protect valuable topsoil
- are celebrated and honored worldwide
- enhance the attractiveness of the business community and neighborhoods
- serve as a symbol of history and longevity
- are a source of joy and spiritual renewal
- are witnesses of history far beyond the human lifespan
- moderate temperature
Further, we are excited to support opportunities such as this for citizens to (PICK THREE OR MORE OR MAKE UP YOUR OWN)
- work together to improve the community
- appreciate their surroundings
- identify and celebrate Morgantown's natural assets
- focus our attention and care on what we share
- enjoy creative expression as a community
- gain a sense of the community's history
- learn about different areas of the town
- look up and be present
- gain skills in making Morgantown healthier/safer/more beautiful
- learn about venerable trees and other natural treasures
We are looking forward to contributing to/supporting/participating in/joining this project throughout the year. The creation of 2013 The Year of the Tree, is consistent with our mission, and will help ensure that Morgantown
- remains a safe and happy city of beautiful trees
- is inhabited by citizens knowledgable and connected to their community
- citizens learn to care for the trees that add so much to daily life, comfort and health
- enters the future as a focussed and resilient city
For this reason, we strongly support proclaiming 2013 The Year of the Tree in Morgantown.Sincerely,YOUR SIGNATUREYOUR NAMEYOUR ROLE IN ORGANIZATION