MVCAC Minutes
July 25, 2005
The July 25th meeting of the MVCAC was held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Patteson Drive, with eleven people in attendance. Duane began the meeting by letting the group know that after a valiant battle, Holly Rieke succumbed to lung cancer on Sunday evening, July 24. Holly was a tireless advocate for the causes in which she believed, such as CALP. We will miss her humor, energy, and determination.
Duane completed the paperwork to register MVCAC as a “voluntary association” with the state. We are now official. In addition, he obtained a post office box at the Star City post office. The new MVCAC mailing address is:
Mon Valley Clean Air Coalition
PO Box 4679
Star City, WV 26504-4679
CALP is also now registered as a “volunteer association” with Paula Hunt as the chairperson of the group.
Deb discussed our financial status. She received a financial report from Mary Davis, treasurer of the state Sierra Club. The state Sierra has been managing donations to CALP/MVCAC. Deb has several questions about the report, but Mary is out of town, so she could not clarify these issues. She will contact Mary when Mary returns. Duane suggested that it would be helpful for MVCAC to have its own bank account. By consensus and without opposition, the group agreed that Deb, as our treasurer, should open a bank account. Duane informed the group that we could obtain a tax ID number, which would exempt us from paying state sales tax on purchases.
Duane brought up the issue of MVCAC becoming a non-profit 501-c-3 organization. The pros and cons were discussed, and Deb volunteered to research the issue and bring her findings to the next meeting.
Duane described the appeal of the Monongalia County Circuit Court's decision to dismiss the lawsuit in regard to the PILOT agreement for Longview Power. Attorney Robert Bastress has agreed to file the appeal with the State Supreme Court of Appeals by August 1. Duane, Bill and Jim have been working with Bob on this.
Jarrett provided a report on the CALP committee meeting that was held the second week in July. Jarrett, Paula, and Linda attended. The group discussed the status of the transmission line for Longview Power. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) ruled that Allegheny Power and Longview must negotiate an agreement for Longview to make a connection to the grid across Allegheny Power's property. Longview must pay $5.5 million for the access and another $313,000 for the land.
Jarrett has sent a FOIA to FERC requesting any letters from companies that suggested that we need a 500 kV transmission line. Duane indicated that there is already a problem with congestion on the grid and this must be addressed if new companies continue to come on-line. Jarrett also sent a letter to the Office of Homeland Security suggesting that it Longview was built, the location of the two power plants in such close proximity may pose a security threat.
Also in regard to Longview, Duane sent a FOIA to the FAA requesting two files related to the stack height issue.
Duane discussed the noise issues related to the proposed Longview plant. Longview complained to the Public Service Commission (PSC) that the final rules for the citing certificate for the plant should be revised, because the noise guidelines were too stringent (the rules mandated no increase in the already high noise levels at Fort Martin). The PSC opened up only the noise portion of the certificate for reconsideration. To read the PSC's order, go to the following website:
The PSC ordered the establishment of a task force to further study the noise issue. It will be headed by a member of the PSC and will consist of a variety of parties, including GenPower and a number of members of MVCAC. A major concern is that the task force will meet on a week day in Charleston when many our members cannot attend. It was recommended that MVCAC members write letters to the PSC requesting that the task force meet on a weekend or evening in Morgantown, or some location closer to Morgantown than Charleston.
Dennis reported on the power plant situation in Pennsylvania. A number of waste coal burning plants have been proposed, because the PA governor and Secretary of Energy want to make it appear as if they are concerned about "alternative energy." There are at least three plants proposed for SW PA. One in Robinson Township has already been permitted, but is being appealed by a group who has retained a lawyer from the University of Pittsburgh's Environmental Law Center. Dennis is involved with the proposed plant in Nemacolin, PA (the so-called GERRP plant). This plant was issued a permit around July 1. [MVCAC is generally in favor of appealing this permit.]
Dennis is meeting with the same lawyer from Pitt tomorrow to discuss a possible appeal; however, it is not clear that the lawyer will take the case as he is "stretched thin" with the Robinson Township plant appeal. At the suggestion of Jim K., Dennis has left messages with the PA Sierra Club's air quality person regarding this issue, but he has received no response. Dennis also left a message with the National Parks Conservation Association, but has not heard from them, either. Duane mentioned that there is a proposed waste coal plant in Greenbrier County, WV, and that they have received federal money to be a "demonstration plant."
Deb reported that there is a group who is trying to influence the upcoming school board elections, because they are unhappy with how the current board is managing the schools. She suggested that, in light of the fact that the current school board played a major role in trying to bring us Longview, we might want to connect with the group. Cindy said she would find the name of the contact person and pass it on to Duane.
Karen has spoken with Boggs Environmental about the air monitoring equipment. Her contact in Morgantown is checking with the corporate administration to determine whether they are interested in a written letter memorandum of cooperation.
At the last meeting, Sandy passed around sheets for people to sign up to write letters to the editor or attend city council meetings and discuss clean air. Larry S. attended a city council meeting and spoke there.
Bill reported on the air quality training workshop that was held on June 20. Everyone learned a lot, but agreed that a few hours was not long enough. The Speakers Bureau will aim to organize a longer training for the fall. Jim K. has been working on a Power Point presentation for this purpose.
The next MVCAC meeting will be held on Monday August 22 at the home of Martha and Larry Schwab. Arrive at 6:30 for the social half hour. The meeting will begin at 7:00.
Prepared by Linda Shuster, July 26, 2005.